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猎犬凄厉地嚎叫。The hound bayed mournfully.

帽匠悲哀地摇摇头。The hatter shook his head mournfully.

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这四门炮相互间的回声都凄厉哀怨。The four cannons echoed each other mournfully.

他悲伤地站在门口,挥手说再见。He stood mournfully at the gate waving bye bye.

年轻人悲哀地盯着他的镜子。The young man stared into his glass mournfully.

这些云悲哀地悠然舒卷着,无声地胀大,又融合。Mournfully slowly they roll, silently swelling and mixing.

尼克转过身来,悲哀地看着哈利。Nick turned away from the window and looked mournfully at Harry.

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一个窗架上突出一根生锈的铁棒,真是满目凄凉。A rusty iron rod projected mournfully from one of the window ledges.

他伸了伸懒腰,又悲哀地环顾了一下办公室。Stretching his arms above his head he looked around his office mournfully.

我永远不再自怜自贱。Never again will I pity or belittle myself. No longer will I look mournfully to the past.

标明巨幅折扣的横幅和广告板被荒凉的风吹的呜咽作响。Banners and boards advertising hugely discounted housing flap and rattle mournfully in the desert wind.

来自内盖夫沙漠的沙尘暴呼啸而至,吹得头顶的风铃悲鸣不已。A sandstorm was blowing in from the Negev desert, setting the wind chime singing mournfully above our heads.

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她经常愁容满面地从海利那一伙用链子锁着的黑人身边走过。Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where Haley's gang of men and women sat in their chains.

脑袋一直可怜地悬在地图上的通讯军官,正自言自语地说着什么节点啊带宽啊的东西。The signal guy, head hanging mournfully over a map, was mumbling to himself something about nodes and bandwidth.

由于这棵老橡树的关系,又有一序列绝望的、但都是忧喜掺半的思想在安德烈公爵的心灵中出现了。A whole fresh train of ideas, hopeless, but mournfully sweet, stirred up in Prince Andrey's soul in connection with that oak.

亨利。沃兹渥斯。朗费罗曾经写道,我们都是命运的建筑师。所以不要总是抱憾过去。过去的将一去不复返。Henry wadsworth longfellow wrote , all are architects of fate . so look not mournfully into the past . it comes not back again.

我不敢想象如此的生活,我就好像温室里德花朵,我的整个童年时在图森度过的,当气温低于60华氏度的时候,我就开始悲鸣夏天的到来。I’m a delicate flower, and I spent my childhood in Tucson. Assoon as the temperature falls below 60 degrees, I start whining mournfully forsummer.

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他同情地摇摇头,并向旁边的档主呼喊,在那里,一个卖首饰商人掏空了一整盒金属物件,终于找出了一个小小的黄铜扣针。He shook his head mournfully and called to the next stall, where a jeweler emptied out a box of metal findings, eventually locating a tiny brass safety pin.

我不敢想象如此的生活,我就好像温室里德花朵,我的整个童年时在图森度过的,当气温低于60华氏度的时候,我就开始悲鸣夏天的到来。I can't imagineever doing that. I'm a delicate flower, and I spent my childhood in Tucson. Assoon as the temperature falls below 60 degrees, I start whining mournfully forsummer.

对职业女性来说,孩子们则会很痛苦的回忆起自己小时候胸前挂着钥匙的经历,说自己从来没有体会过放学回家看到妈妈在厨房烤面包时那种既开心又安全的滋味。If a woman has a job her children will speak mournfully of the experience of being latch-key kids who never knew what it was to come home to the joy and security of a mum baking bread in the kitchen.