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芬格灵把它称为命运你知道命运是什么吗?Fingerling called it fate. Do you know what fate is?

有一天,一条小鱼游到我的船边对我说,暴风雨马上就要来了。One day, a fingerling swims the side of my ship, I say, storm will come right away.

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第三十一条禁止捕捞有重要经济价值的水生动物苗种。Article 31 Catching fry and fingerling of aquatic animals of important economic value is prohibited.

养些小型鱼种,则不必总换水,是“忙人”的明智选择。Raise some of small-sized fingerling , always need not change water, be " busy person " sensible choice.

为预防和纠正错误动作的产生和发展,本文提出了以手指调节为重点,以拍形和挥臂为关键的教学基本方。This paper proposes a basic teaching method which stressed on fingerling adjustment, bat movement and arm wielding ino.

参加色宴的请帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。Participating in the color feast's invites a note , is the colour fingerling using cardboard to succeed in making up generally.

本文研究了低pH水平对鱼类的胚胎,鱼苗和鱼种的影响以及鱼鳃的组织学观察。This paper deals with the effects of low PH on the survival rate of the embryo, fry and fingerling and the pathologic changes of the fish gill.

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石鱼也许是世界上最毒的鱼类。石鱼以小鱼小虾为食,它身上致命的毒刺是保护自己的一种手段。Stonefish may be the most toxic fish in the world. It lives on fingerling and shrimp. The deadly toxic sting just is its protection to against the outside.

为预防和纠正错误动作的产生和发展,本文提出了以手指调节为重点,以拍形和挥臂为关键的教学基本方法。This paper proposes a basic teaching method which stressed on fingerling adjustment, bat movement and arm wielding in order to avoid and correct the wrong actions.

本文阐述了慈溪市开发海涂鱼塘以来鱼种放养模式的变化过程及其对鱼产量和经济效益的影响。The paper presents the variation process of the fingerling stocking model and its effects on the fish production and economic benefits since Cixi city developed the fish ponds along the coast.

还有小溪清幽的潺潺流淌声,溪水中,有欢快的小鱼摆动着优美的身姿穿透波浪追逐着摇摆的海藻。Still have the small river good and isolated Chan Chan to flow to leak a voice, in river water, have the cheerful fingerling swings smart body Zi to wear deeply the wave pursues to swing of seaweed.