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这比美国蛋卷咸一些也更有嚼劲。It's saltier and more chewy than American omelets.

所以,这就是咸的海洋不会变得更咸的原因。So , thats why the seas are salty but don't get any saltier.

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在这一深度以下,水陡然变得更冰冷,咸度更大。Below this depth, there is an abrupt shift to colder, saltier water.

美国大盐湖的水更咸一些,每千份水中含有270份盐。The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 ports of salt per thousand, is even saltier.

你有没有想过海水会变得越来越咸?答案是否定的。Have you ever thought about whether the seas will keep getting saltier The answer is no.

如果你喜欢汤少咸一点的话,你可以去厨房再加一些盐。If you like the soup a little saltier , you can go to the kitchen and add some salt to it.

水分就通过渗透作用进入到盐度大的眼睛组织里,而使其肿胀。So, through the process of osmosis, the water moves into the saltier ocular tissues, which makes them swell up.

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作为地球上最咸的水体,死海的水比海水还要咸八倍,但是仍然有一些微生物在其中欣欣向荣。It's the saltiest body of water on Earth, but a few microbes thrive there, in water eight times saltier than the ocean.

阿拉尔地区地下水矿化度含量高、水咸,地表水也随季节变化时咸时淡。Subterranean water in Alar area is salty, with high total salinity, and surface water becomes less salty or saltier with seasonal rhythm.

他们发现,某些年份的海水比其它年份更加温暖或盐度更高,其原因是蒸发量的增加或者降水量的减少。They found signs that in some years the waters were warmer or saltier than others, due to increased evaporation or reduced precipitation.

有些大量生活于不常被潮水淹没的新鲜水域中,而另一些则喜欢在盐水中生存。Some thrive in the relatively fresh water found in areas that aren't often inundated by ocean tides, while others seek out a saltier brew.

由于没有淡水流入,土壤中的盐分和矿物质浓度越来越高,咸海的水也越来越咸。Without an influx of freshwater, the concentration of salts and minerals in the soil began to build up, making the remaining water saltier.

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美国人摄入了更多热量,他们或许会放弃一些含盐量更高的食品,好让总食盐消耗量维持正常水平。As Americans ate more calories, they could have eased up on some of the saltier choices so that their overall sodium consumption remained constant.

那些有400年岁月痕迹的硬壳表明,当年詹姆斯河的河水盐度更高,也就是说可以补充淡水资源的降雨极其稀少。The 400-year-old shells show that the James River was saltier back then, which shows that there was little rainfall to recharge the supply of fresh water.

超市产品很贵,使包装的零食更加诱人,它们比水果蔬菜更甜或更咸,而且含有更多热量。Supermarket produce can be expensive, making packaged snacks—already sweeter or saltier and higher in calories than fruits and vegetables—all the more tempting.

像帕尔玛干酪这样的硬奶酪,因为在盐水中腌制过,通常比软奶酪要咸。Hard cheeses, like Parmesan, are often saltier than softer cheeses because they are bathed in brine, a saltwater solution, to enhance flavor and prolong shelf life.

然而,在高纬度,水面迅速冷却,海水变得更咸和更加密集并下沉,把溶解的二氧化碳带到海洋最深的部分。However, at high latitudes, surface water quickly cools, becomes saltier and denser and sinks, carrying the dissolved carbon to some of the deepest parts of the ocean.

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同样的逻辑,他预测说假如以后按新政策减低了食物中食盐的平均含量的话,人们又会寻找更咸的食品来进行补偿——或者仅仅是吃更多的东西来补偿。By that same logic, he speculated, if future policies reduce the average amount of salt in food, people might compensate by seeking out saltier foods — or by simply eating still more of everything.