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使迷惑或使吃惊。To bewilder or astonish.

很多问题使我感到困惑。So many questions bewilder me.

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这样多的问题使我困惑。So many questions bewilder me.

那些犹豫不定的态度令我为难。Those shifting attitudes bewilder me.

我自己假想的想法却无所适从。I am self fanciful ideas but bewilder.

这信只会使妈妈惶惑不解。The letter would only bewilder the mother.

五种音符,迷惑我们的耳朵,阻碍我们的听觉。Five notes bewilder our ears and impede our listening.

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五种音符,迷惑我们的耳朵,扰乱了我们的听觉。Five notes bewilder our ears and confuse our listening.

五种变化多端的颜色,迷惑我们的眼睛,妨碍我们的洞察力。Five colors bewilder our eyes and obstruct our insights.

对壮观的表演表示惊奇、不知所措或迷惑。To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display.

如果速度够快的话,所有这些都有助于迷惑你的对手。I am totally bewilder by the clue to this crossword puzzle.

在附近,来自达拉斯的非凡的魔术师诺曼·贝克将要迷惑观众们。Nearby, Norman Beck, a remarkable magician from Dallas, will bewilder onlookers.

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前方也许显露出一些混乱和迷惘,是那些完全没有选择去看破它的人。What may appear ahead may confuse and bewilder those who do not choose to see through it.

清晨,一位诗人拾起一朵,那是远方的恋人无奈而憔悴的容颜吗?In the dawn , the poet picks up a flower. is it the beloved's pale and bewilder face far away?

有一些在过去被认为是奥秘的已由科学所论证,另一些对人来说则仍是谜团。Some of the mysteries of the past have been fathomed by science. Others still bewilder mankind.

存在这回平淡无奇的事也是个反复转动的念头缠扰着人。Similarly, the dull and ordinary existence is a thought that rotates uninterruptedly and bewilder people.

你认为哪个西方城市最有可能让中国大陆人给跪了当他们到那里旅游的时候?Which city do you think would be most likely to shock or bewilder mainland Chinese should they travel there?