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他是一个险诈的投机商。He was a sinister and crafty speculator.

赔钱不能赢利,但能使投机者细心钻研。Losses make the speculator studious——not profits.

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投机地产的杰克逊参与了孟菲斯城的建设。As a land speculator he cofounded the city of Memphis.

投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的规范。The speculator specifically specified the specification of this species

因此,投资者们越来越多地购买昂贵合同。A speculator could sign a contract to purchase a tulip for 100 guilders.

一个投机者可以签订购买一朵郁金香值100盾的合同。If the price rose above 100 guilders, the speculator would pocket the difference as profit.

投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的表率。The speculator specificnumjust ber one ingly specified the specific of this species specimen.

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欧洲人,特别是德国文化和官方惯例对待投机者就像对待和训练那只狗一样。The dog had been treated and trained as European, particularly German culture and official practice treat the speculator.

在当时,对于投机者来说,被非法经纪公司禁止开户做交易简直就是最高的荣耀。At that time, being banned from trading in a bucket-shop was tantamount to the highest degree of flattery for any speculator.

本次展览是东大名创库新馆的开幕展,投机份子司提反将给观众带来全新的艺术体验。This is the inaugurating exhibition of ddm new site. Stephen the Speculator is sure to bring visitors a unique art experience.

投机者是这样一个人,他观察未来并且在发生之前先行一步。为了能够成功做到这一点,他必须做到三件事。A speculator is a man who observes the future and acts before it occurs. To be able to do this successfully, three things are necessary.

然而,“一个快乐的温纳,十伤心的失败者,”富索罗斯谁赢得了尖锐的投机者的名声,但他真正的地方是对人类的贡献?However, "one happy winer, ten sad losers, " the rich Soros who won the fame of sharp speculator but where is his real contribution to mankind?

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遗憾的是就像狗生来就吠叫但当它叫的时候却遭到惩罚,投机者因为响应市场信号而被一致谴责。It is a pity that like the dog that is bred to bark but punished when he does, the speculator is so unanimously condemned for doing what the market calls upon him to do.

在油价高企的驱动下,美国政府官员再次呼吁欧佩克增加产出,但后者坚持称,油价高企的推动因素是投机性买盘,而非库存短缺。The price increase has spurred U.S. government officials to call on OPEC to increase output, but cartel officials maintain speculator buying has driven up prices, not a supply shortage.

例如,一个投机者可能认为上帝就是一个雪球,或艾维斯,或月亮上的某个人——不管是什么——但真正重要的是上帝到底是谁——真理是什么。For instance, a speculator may think of God as a snow bunny, or Elvis, or the man on the moon – whatever – but the only thing that really matters is who God really is – what matters is the truth.