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美里支部主席房保德和卑尔骚主席主席张李树一行人访弄拉玛和附近长屋。DAP MIRI chairman Fong and Piasau chairman visit Long Lama and the nearby long houses.

结论补阳还五汤及拆方可增加血清NO的含量,减轻MIRI。Conclusions BHD and divided-formulae can improve the contents of serum NO and lessen MIRI.

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结扎犬冠状动脉左前降支建立急性心肌缺血再灌注模型。The model of MIRI was established by ligating levo-anterior descending branch of coronary artery.

星洲日报美里印刷厂的正式启动与出版,对星洲日报来说,是一件大事,也是一种进步。The official launch of Sin Chew Daily's printing plant in Miri is a major step forward for Sin Chew.

裕贤莅临饭店检视,明勋看到美莉对自己冰冷的举动大惑不解。Yuhyun visits hotel for inspection, and Myeonghoon is mystified looking at Miri behaving icy to himself.

如果真有那麽一回事,州政府有没有委派任何专家对美里市区旧店屋进行鑑定?If there is really such a matter, did the state government appoint any experts to investigate the old shops in Miri ?

而抗炎因子IL-10则通过抑制多种促炎因子和趋化因子的表达,下调MIRI的炎症反应,从而减轻MIRI。On the contrary, antiinflammatory CK IL-10 may reduce MIRI by inhibiting the production of many kinds of inflammatory CK.

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每周五在美里日报「钻油台」专栏执笔,另有专栏「闲话」与「长短说」。Her essays appear every Friday in "Drilling Platform" of Miri Daily, and in other columns like "Chitchat" and "Long and Short".

据称,起诉中影集团的是北京米里米特影视文化发展有限公司。It is said that what in prosecution shade group is Beijing Miri Mitter the movie and television culture development Limited company.

为从药理性预适应角度筛选合理高效的防治MIRI中药制剂提供了科学依据。The study provided scientific basis for choosing rational and highly efficient Chinese medicine dosage in MIRI from pharmacologic preconditioning angle.

而有知情人士则透露,米里米特公司确有剧本授权,但该公司与中影具体的协商或合同内容什么环节出了问题就不得而知了。But has the insider to disclose, the Miri Mitter Company really has the script authorization, but this company had problems with the shade concrete consultation or treaty contents any link is unknown.