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他把玻璃杯放在壁炉架上。He set the glass on the mantel.

他花400马克买了这件大衣。Er hat den Mantel für 400 Mark gekauft.

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他花400马克买了这件大衣。Er hat den Mantel fuer 400 Mark gekauft.

甚至炉火上方的壁炉台都泛着白光。Even the mantel above the fire glowed white.

壁炉架上面是一对男女的一些照片。On the mantel were photographs of a man and a woman.

木材燃烧的壁炉和气体抽出和壁炉罩。Wood burning Fireplace with gas stub-out and mantel.

当我这么做的时候,壁炉架上有两座漂亮的奖杯微光一闪。As I did, two beautiful cups gleamed from the mantel.

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小心不要使你的头撞到壁炉架。Be careful not to strike your head against the mantel.

曼特尔加入公司,成为一名军人,感受到了花蜜的力量。Join Mantel Corp, become a soldier and feel the power of the Nectar.

他挺起胸脯,肩膊抵着壁炉架。He had thrust his chest out, supporting his shoulders against the mantel.

我想象着William的照片摆在Miller家的壁炉台上。I imagined a photo like that of William on the mantel in the Millers’ home.

她疲倦,她的心在迟钝地机械的跳动,就像壁炉架上那座时钟似的。She was tired and her mind ticked away dully, mechanically, as the clock on the mantel.

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“Shmily”会被书写在壁炉台面的薄尘上,或是勾画在炉内的灰底上。“Shmily” was written in the dust upon the mantel and traced in the ashes of the fireplace.

会被书写在壁炉台面的薄尘上,或是勾画在炉内的灰底上。" Shmily" was written in the dust upon the mantel and traced in the ashes of the fireplace.

会被书写在壁炉台面的薄尘上,或是勾画在炉内的灰底上。"Shmily" were written in the dust upon the mantel and traced in the aITs of the firesocate.

对,还得有花儿什么的—我给休买了一个手镯,给自己西服的翻领配了朵小花,还买了两盆一品红放在壁炉台上。Oh, and flowers—I got a wristlet for Sue, a flower for my lapel and two poinsettias for the mantel.

他死之后,Galloway夫妇把他中学毕业的照片放在壁炉台上。After he died, the Galloways put Pat’s high-school graduation photo on the mantel above their fireplace.

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在这里,点花枕头创造一个视觉三角与灯罩和花瓶的壁炉。Here, the focal-point floral pillow creates a visual triangle with the lampshade and vase on the mantel.

壁炉台上放着他们的女儿从婴孩期成长到青春期的一系列照片。A series of photographs on their mantel piece show their daughter's progression from babyhood to adolescence.

在壁炉上方悬挂艺术品或者油画,在壁炉上面则放置三四件以突出效果。Hang art or a painting over the fireplace, and place just three or four pieces on the mantel that highlight it.