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他把犯人押了出去。He marched the prisoner out.

我只是你爱情的困兽。I'm just a prisoner of love.

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或者是它们不能饶恕的囚徒?Or their unforgiven prisoner?

我现在也成了这个园子里的一个中毒者。I am a prisoner of this garden.

他朝那被绑着的囚犯踢了一脚。He kicked at the bound prisoner.

囚犯逃得无影无踪。The prisoner escaped clear away.

囚犯摆脱了他的追赶者。The prisoner slipped his pursuers.

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格斗中他们生擒了三名囚犯。They took 3 prisoner in the fight.

那个囚犯交代了罪行。The prisoner babbled out his guilt.

这名囚犯痛苦地扭动身体。The prisoner writhed in discomfort.

他们将犯人拷打致死。They tortured the prisoner to death.

一千名看守,看守一名囚犯。One thousand guards and one prisoner.

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那逃犯投案了。The escaped prisoner gave himself up.

卫兵们押着囚犯离开了。The guards marched the prisoner away.

囚犯的手脚都被捆住。The prisoner was bound hand and foot.

梦是一个一定要谈话的妻子。Dream is a wife who Prisoner ust talk.

犯人从后门逃掉了。The prisoner escaped by the back door.

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囚犯向门口急冲过去。The prisoner made a dart for the door.

千名守卫,共囚一犯。One thousands guards, and one prisoner.

越狱犯依然在逃。The escaped prisoner is still at large.