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我出了一身汗。I'm covered in sweat.

他的脸上满是血。Blood covered his face.

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你们大部分人采访报道过我。Most of you covered me.

雪遮盖着大地。Snow covered the ground.

我们投保盗窃险了吗?Are we covered for theft?

他浑身是汗。He is covered with sweat.

一块布把桌子罩了起来。A cloth covered the table.

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雪覆盖了山。Snow covered the mountain.

我的上衣上全是泥。My coat is covered with mud.

那些树都被雪盖住了。They were covered with snow.

常春藤爬满了这些断墙。Ivy covered the broken walls.

那狗被打得遍体鞭痕。The dog was covered in weals.

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哦不,我们得把那东西遮起来。Oh no, we've got that covered.

我的医疗保险没有包括沙拉。Salad isn't covered by my HMO.

一万美元是相当多的钱。Ten li is covered in one hour.

这座城市到处都是沙子。The city is covered with sand.

这块儿地被灌木覆被。The land is covered in shrubs.

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将我们的名字掩埋。And covered up ----- our names.

猫有一身细软的毛皮。Cats are covered with soft fur.

复迴在薄露如披的草原。Strolling on dew covered grass.