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它原产地是哪里啊?What origin was it?

部分起源于日尔曼语。Partly of Germanic origin.

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插柳起源的说法有很多。Plug the origin of willow.

那是爱的起源的故事。That's the origin of love.

开始的时候,它在原点。Initially, it's at the origin.

你也可以把这里定为原点You can call that your origin.

可能是黑山的起源。Could be of Montenegrin origin.

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怎么可以忘本?!How you can forget your origin?

这辆卡车来历不明。The truck is of unknown origin.

它们都是从原点到。They both go from the origin to.

这辆卡车来历不明。This truck is of unknown origin.

因为我可以任意取原点。I can always call my origin zero.

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这就是地球日的起源”。That was the origin of Earth Day.

这场火灾起因可疑。The fire is of suspicious origin.

拉布拉多寻回犬的原产地是加拿大。Their country of origin is Canada.

这就是最早的肉骨茶。This is the origin of Bak Kut Teh.

这才是你们真正的起源和家乡。This is your true origin and home.

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Blüthner的起源是我的想法。Blüthner is the origin of my ideas.

关于少林内劲一指禅的起源。Shaolinon one of the origin of Zen.

尼克斯的确切出身是个谜。The exact origin of Nyx is unknown.