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你还得管理你的资金。You have to manage your bankroll.

设置一个损失上限是资金管理中必可不少的一个部分。Setting a loss-limit is an essential part of managing your bankroll.

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她出身富有,曾利用她继承的部份遗产资助丈夫第一次竞选国会议员的活动。From a wealthy family, she used some of her inheritance to bankroll her husband’s first congressional election campaign.

“这是我们找到梦想的地方”,布莱恩·林登说,他把他们夫妇在美国的房子卖了来为这次的翻修提供资金。“Here’s where we found our dream, ” says Brian Linden, who sold the couple’s home in the U.S. to bankroll the renovation.

资金是企业的“血液”,我国许多企业都为资金匮乏所困扰。Bankroll is said as the blood of an enterprise, but most enterprises of our country are now troubled with bankrolls shortage.

这就是为啥要鼓励女孩,审查男人时要“瞪大眼睛”,而不只问“你有多少钱?”Why are girls are encouraged to court the man with the "big blue eyes" rather than the one with the "big green bankroll?" they ask.

另外,若西方认为提供的金援最终会落入由哈玛斯所控制的团体,则西方是否还会继续提供巴勒斯坦政府资金,这点也不明朗。It is also far from clear if the West would continue to bankroll the PA if it thought these funds were ending up in Hamas-controlled bodies.

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你必须知道你自己的极限,并且能够察觉到何时走背运,以便在亏损前全身而退。You have to know your own limitations and recognize when you're on a bad streak so you can get out of a game before you break your bankroll.

如果投资者资助那些愿意付双倍价格去吻癞蛤蟆的公主,这些吻得有真正的作用才行。If investors instead bankroll princesses who wish to pay double for the right to kiss the toad, those kisses had better pack some real dynamite.

你必须知道你自己的极限,并且能够察觉到何时走背运,以便在亏损前全身而退。You have to know your own limitations and recognize when you're on a bad streak so you can get out of a game before you break your bankroll. h& e!

一战后欧洲经济陷入泥潭,华尔街成了唯一能够让克鲁格筹集到大量资金来支撑他骗术帝国的地方。With Europe devastated after the First World War, the only place where Kreuger could raise the vast capital to bankroll his empire was Wall Street.

鸠山由纪夫家世显赫出身豪门,甚至其母曾为其政治事业提供资金。事发后,鸠山指出问题出在其负责会计事物的官派秘书的记载上。Mr Hatoyama, whose family is so fabulously rich that his mother has helped bankroll his political career, blamed a longstanding employee for sloppy book-keeping.

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就是,打拳的时候比别人出拳要出那么一点,一套指节铜套,手套上的条纹,一枚警徽,手中的石头,或者你口袋里的钞票。Yeah, a little extra reach on a punch, a set of brass knuckles, a stripe on the sleeve, a badge that says cop on it, a rock in your hand, or a bankroll in your pocket.

他们的领导人们是强硬派社会党成员,不赞成帕潘德里欧让希腊走向现代化的措施,且看起来信心十足,认为欧盟和国际货币基金组织最后一定会向希腊提供资金的。Their leaders are hardline socialists who disagree with Mr Papandreou’s efforts to modernise Greece. They sound confident that the EU and IMF will bankroll Greece indefinitely.

但由于当前金融危机凸显美国对中国购买美债的严重依赖,印度担心虽然其得到了美国的友谊,但中国却赢得了对美国经济的影响力。But with the financial crisis highlighting U.S. dependence on Beijing to bankroll its debt, India is fretting that while it acquired a friendship, China bought the U.S. economy.

一些地方的天然气供应逐渐耗尽,环保人士对煤炭的反对令泰国等国政府更难以为大型新燃煤电厂提供资金。Natural gas supplies in some areas are running out and environmental opposition to coal has made it harder for governments in places like Thailand to bankroll big new coal-burning plants.

简要分析了唐钢资金预算管理存在的问题,并对完善资金预算管理提出了相应的对策。Some problems of the bankroll budjet management at Tangsteel were briefly analyzed in this paper and some countermeasure of perfecting the bankroll budjet management was also put forward.

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冠军可以让大家与有荣焉,我想获得冠军联赛奖杯也会让莫苏尔为他的9位数的投资感到欣慰。Which heads will be turned will be make for interesting reading and I'm pretty sure Sheikh Mansour will be more than happy to bankroll a nine-figure investment to get the Champions League trophy.

意大利的父亲甚至还可以继续从经济上资助他的已成年并已挣工资的儿子,因为作为一家之主,他很乐意去资助他的孩子们,不管他们有多大。An Italian father may also continue to bankroll his grown-up, wage-earning son, because he takes pleasure , as the head of the family, in financing his "youngsters", no matter how old they might be.