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哈诺在报纸上登了讣告。Jano ran an obituary in the newspaper.

当然,讣告上没有这样写,而是说他死于心肌梗塞。The obituary didn't say that, of course.

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格特鲁德在报上意外地发现了讣告。Gertrud came across the obituary in the newspaper.

我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant.

地方报社负责刊登死亡讣告的部门电话响了。The phone rang in the obituary department of the local newspaper.

爷爷去世了,爸爸向亲朋好友发了哀启。When Grandfather died, Father sent the obituary to friends and family.

将近半个世纪之前,唐纳·贾德为绘画发了讣告。Almost half a century ago, Donald Judd issued the obituary of painting.

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贾森的分析内容更象一个比一个悼收入分析。Jason's analysis reads more like an obituary than an earnings analysis.

1933年5月6日,美国时代周刊登出了他的讣告,这里有一份样本。Here is a copy of the obituary as printed in the New York Times on May 6, 1933

关于他的生卒年,近年学术界提出了一种新的观点。With regard to his natal and obituary year, there is a new point of view lately.

网站会要求用户以类似讣告或剪报的形式提供死亡证明。The site will require proof of death, in the form of an obituary or newspaper cutting.

其中有三个人会角逐他的位置,不过讣告上没有提这件事。Three of them will be seriously considered for his job. The obituary didn't mention that.

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福曼于10月14日死于转移性黑色素瘤,纽约时报在他今天的讣告中写道。Furman died Oct. 14 of metastatic melanoma, The New York Times writes in his obituary today.

我从未想过看到人家死,但有几段讣闻,我是欣然拜读过了。I never want to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure.

马丁在报上看见好友的讣告,感到非常震惊。Death notice necrology martin was very shocked to see his best friend's obituary in the newspaper.

一位讣闻作家描述他是“教美国欣赏照片的人”。He was described by an obituary writer as "the man who taught America how to look at photographs."

今天我在google里打上了三年没见的父亲的名字,第一条就是他的讣告。Today, I Googled my father, who I haven't seen in 3 years. The first website link was his obituary.

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他对阿斯特开玩笑说“假如你把素描改成讣告”也不会感到意外。He joked to Astor that it wouldn't surprise him "if you had to change that profile into an obituary".

故有些不孝子报丧时须在舅家门口下跪痛哭较长时间。Give obituary notice it when some unfilial shall kneel down in front of a longer period of time crying.

我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。我传递的信息可能来自灵界。I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant. My Messages could come from the spiritual world.