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哎吆,这地方太热了!Ouch. This is too hot!

下雨和哎呦的儿歌。Rain ank ouch ouch chant.

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哎呦,你遇见她时是在时间旅行吗?Ouch. Were you time traveling?

呼喊是“哎呦”在不断地重复。The yell is "ouch" repeated ad lib.

童年受虐会导致大脑发生长期的改变。Ouch . Child abuse can cause long-lasting changes in the brain.

熊和猫形态的小德现在会吸引跳蚤。跳蚤会吸你的血。啊哟。Bear and cat druids will now catch fleas. Fleas drink your blood. Ouch.

水母水母海中跳舞。啊哟,一只水母坐在我的膝盖上了。Jellyfish jellyfish dance in the sea. ouch a jellyfish sits on my knee.

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对于某些受试者,考试创口愈合需要的时间是暑期创口所需时间的2倍。For some subjects, the exam wounds took nearly twice as long to get better. Ouch.

进口PLC全自动电脑控制系统,触摸屏操作简便、直观。Imported PLC fully computer-controlled system, ouch screen is intuitionist and easy to operate.

汽水中的锂还有其他好处,它能消除宿醉,能缓解烦闷的情绪。Other nice things about lithium in your soda, it dispels hangovers, takes the ouch out of grouch.

同样的,“牙齿脱落”在规律性梦境榜上排名之高甚于普遍性和反复性。Likewise, "teeth falling out" rated significantly higher on regularity than on prevalence or recurrence. Ouch.

从现在起,当你在和你的狗玩耍时感觉它要咬你的时候,你就大声喊“嗷”,并离开它。From now on, if you feel your dog's teeth while you are playing with him, say "Ouch" in a loud voice and move away from him.

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由于你连在脚踵上的小腿腓肠肌紧张而无法伸展,引起脚趾被拉低,这让你小腿正面的肌肉受到压力,而你小腿正面肌肉还无法对抗这种拉力,好疼!This puts strain on the muscles in the front of your leg, which unfortunately are not strong enough to resist the pulling. Ouch.

主持本案的法官可能会发布禁令,并且更坏的情况是冻结所有LimeWire的资产。The judge presiding over the case will likely grant the injunction, and worse, grant the motion to have LimeWire's assets frozen. Ouch.

如果有人用棍子戳你,你会因为疼而叫出来,戳的动作和你的喊叫“,这就是无条件刺激引起了无条件反射。So, if somebody pokes you with a stick and you say, "Ouch," because it hurts, the poking and the "Ouch" is an unconditioned stimulus causing an unconditioned response.

如护士在他们脚底尽量找到一根血管来抽血,有些能马上就抽好,只有轻微的不适感,但有些就不那顺利,可能刺入,再刺入,拧捏,挤压,哎唷!痛呀!Like a nurse trying to find a vein to take blood, some do it first off, a mild discomfort, but for others, there is piercing, and then re-piercing, pinching and squeezing, ouch.