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罗德尼.斯莱特放弃了为州检察长史蒂夫.克拉克工作,到我这里来帮忙。Rodney Slater left Attorney General Steve Clark’s staff to help.

首先是因为德普,再次是因为史蒂芬金。Johnny Depp is better in a Stephen King film than Christian Slater.

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欲望之旅和延宕叙事是铁凝后期小说的两大魅力之源。Tie Ning slater novels are characterized by the exposition of peoples desire and the employment of delayed narration.

罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。Rodney Slater and Carol Willis were already hard at work contacting black political, religious, and business leaders across the country.

在接下来的圣诞烹饪系列里,奈杰尔斯莱特要教我们制作烤牛肉片,南瓜烩与巧克力核桃挞。In the second part of his Christmas cooking series, Nigel Slater serves up roast fillet of beef, pumpkin ragout and a chocolate and walnut tart.

他还表示,他之所以会决定将这块微型芯片植入体内是因为他一直以来都对未来的科技十分感兴趣。Mr Slater told Daily Mail Australia he made the decision to implant the microchip because he had always been interested in the future of technology.

休斯莱特是中国气候变化政策研究助理,澳大利亚国立大学,经济和政府克劳福德学院。Huw Slater is a Research Assistant in Chinese climate change policy at the Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University.

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然后我们对霍尔丹波函数进行行列式展开,通过数值方法对系数关系矩阵进行求解。Then we give an expansion in Slater determinants of Haldane's wave function, and compute the coefficient relation matrix with the use of numerical method.

在1997年,克里斯汀·斯莱特被判服刑3个月和36个月的缓刑,他是因为侵犯当时的女友Michelle和前来救助的一位男士。In 1997, Christian Slater was sentenced to three months in jail and 36 months probation for assaulting his then-girlfriend Michelle Jonas and a man who had come to her aid.

一个Facebook网页还声称,8月13日周五已被宣布为“斯莱特日”,以鼓励大家在工作场所“大胆发泄怒气”。Friday, August 13, has been declared Steve Slater Day according to one Facebook page that encourages celebrants to pull a fire alarm or "tell a schmuck at work to piss off."

Slater先生承认就像牛或者鹿一样,野猪在保护它们的幼崽的时候是会有攻击性的。但他声称,这还没有到达屠杀正在哺乳的母猪和幼崽。Mr Slater admits boar can be aggressive to protect their young, just like cows or deer, but claims the cull is going too far with even suckling mothers and piglets being shot.

鲁迅的晚年杂文,尤其是部分回忆散文,其文学属性和艺术地位已经不可动摇地镌刻进中国文学史的发展年轮。The literary attribute and aesthetic status of Luxun slater essays, especially expressed in some of his recollection proses, have been irremovably engraved into the Chinese literary history.