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平版印刷术在商业上也得以运用。Lithography is used commercially as well.

但这样做的成本太高,商业上尚不可行。But this is too expensive to be commercially viable.

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而且这种需求是为了满足最受商业利益驱动的部分。Andthis need is for the most part commercially driven.

制造世界首个具有商用价值的“能在街上开的飞机”Create the world's first commercially viable "street-legal plane"

现在,电池已经已经商用化用于手机电池充电。Right now, the cells are used commercially to recharge cell phones.

有些商业化养殖的鹿肉味道和牛肉很相似。Some of the commercially produced venison resembles beef in flavour.

尽管如此,商业方面对纳米细菌的生物学试验仍在继续。Still, biological tests are commercially available for nanobacteria.

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就算将该计划的规模只减少一半,其商业可行性便会荡然无存了。A scheme even half its current size would not be commercially viable.

每一个牡蛎养殖厂都需要成千上万的卵来进行商业运移。Oyster farms each need tens of billions of eggs to operate commercially.

商用版的桌面显示器有一张咖啡桌那么大。Tabletop displays commercially available are the size of a coffee table.

他们希望这项技术能在一年内实现商业应用。They expect the technology to be commercially available within one year.

嗯,迈阿密戴德县南部已经开始商业种植荔枝了。Uh, lychees are already grown commercially in southern Miami-Dade County.

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琉璃苣因为在种子发现有珍贵的油而商业性种植。Borage is commercially grown for the very valuable oil found in its seeds.

拉丁裔在美国的文化,商务和政治上的影响力日渐增加。Latinos are growing in influence culturally, commercially and politically.

第一张彩色照片与1907年在法国产生。The first commercially available color film was offered in France in 1907.

哦,你可以用它同时商业和非商业,我不介意。Oh, and you can use it both commercially and non-commercially, I don't mind.

另一方面,在商业上可购到现成的负极板膨胀剂。On the other hand, prepared negative plate expander is commercially available.

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顺便说一句,不断就某个小话题写短篇是混迹于论坛的不二法门。By the way, writing short pieces on a small topic is commercially feasible too.

兰花是珍贵的的观赏花卉,有极高的观赏价值和经济价值。Orchids are famous cut flowers and potted plants with high commercially values.

此外,以铁做为超导体的材料,也会让它更具有商业上的吸引力。Being based on iron could make these substances more commercially enticing, too.