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油漆在严重剥落。The paint is chipping badly.

墙壁上的漆在剥落。The paint on the wall is chipping off.

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多数人都凑分子出五块钱,你要不要也凑一份?Most people are chipping in five dollars.

即凿除多余石块。It's about chipping away the excess stone.

那就是关于凿掉多余的石头。That's about chipping away the excess stone.

因为在切球时,重心不需要转移。Ok. Because in chipping there is no weight shift.

他正在用凿子在大理石上不停地凿。He is chipping away at a block marble with a chisel.

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这样,他们,电视机前的孩子们也能改进下切杆。好吗?。So they can, the kids can improve their chipping. Ok?

凿点讨论之后的第二天依旧下雨。The day after the chipping debate, the rains continue.

这标志着二四小时因为我卡住,小打小闹。This marks twenty-four hours since I'm stuck and chipping away.

但是如果只是改直读和卖直读的话根本不存在违法的理由。But, just chipping or selling chips should in no way be illegal.

并依此可对不同削片工艺方案进行比较。Different chipping processes can be compared by using this method.

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采用铁屑微电解—共沉淀法处理含钒废水。The electrolytic mangan wastewater was processed by iron chipping.

关于实现我们的潜能,凿掉那些束缚。It's about fulfilling our potential, chipping away those limitations.

经理一直在琢磨这个问题,直到把它解决为止。The manager kept chipping away at the problem until he had solved it.

男人们挥舞着镐和斧头在被太阳烤的生硬的土地上奋力刨掘。The men wielded picks and axes, chipping away at the hard-baked ground.

当一个艺术家开始创作雕像时,他必须反复雕琢。When an artist starts to create a sculpture, he has to keep chipping away.

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要凿除削弱甚至伤害我们的完美主义。It's about chipping away perfectionism that is debilitating and often hurts us.

一个高尔夫球俱乐部增加阁楼时凿出来的草丛上一上坡的谎言。The loft of a golf club increases when chipping out of thick grass on an uphill lie.

这是做了一些手段,包括插话在建筑物与镐。This was done by a number of means , including chipping at the buildings with pickaxes.