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他有个大蒜头鼻子。He has a huge, bulbous nose.

球形蛋黄液囊提供营养品。Bulbous yolk sacs provide nourishment.

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某海洋调查船要在原线型上增添一球鼻艏。An ocean survey ship needs a bulbous bow.

一份狗鞭菜周围用鲜艳圆润的樱桃围边。The dog's comes garnished with a bulbous glacé cherry.

球根状白色的头在市区路灯上面散发着红光。Bulbous white heads glow atop the downtown street lamps.

有些人说它戴一顶草帽,是为了隐藏呼吸孔和突出的前额。Some say it wears a hat to hide its blowhole and its bulbous forehead.

墨西哥的一种球根状草本植物,为其漂亮而又鲜红的单花而栽培。Mexican bulbous herb cultivated for its handsome bright red solitary flower.

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在他们蓝色球根状的头前面有一个弧形状的牙,那个就是颌骨。At the front of their bulbous blue heads they have curved fangs that act as jaws.

此后的数十年,许多机器人形象的原型都是罗比。For decades, the very idea of a robot was synonymous with Robby's bulbous figure.

巨型章鱼头又大又圆,通常为红褐色。Giant Pacific octopi have huge, bulbous heads and are generally reddish-brown in color.

褪了色的红色,巨大的圆形挡泥板,还有一个灯泡状的驾驶室。It was a fmarketinged red color, with colossing, rounded fenders and too a bulbous cab.

这种球根类蔬菜因其抑菌特性长期以来都是被研究的对象。This bulbous vegetable has long been researched for its natural antibacterial properties.

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在酵母细胞中球茎状的突出物--芽体出现在一部分细胞壁的上面。In the yeast cell, a bulbous projection, the bud, appears at one portion of the cell wall.

平面将水珠的鳞茎状前锋和锥状尾巴的分成两半。A drop of water was cut in half by a plane passing through its bulbous front and tapered tail.

普夫是一个肢体细长的高个生物,瘦长的脖子上顶着一个灯泡似的脑袋。Poof was a tall being with spindly limbs and a long, slender neck which supported a bulbous head.

当感到遇到威胁的时候,海鳃立刻放出绿光,并向球根状的足部充气。When disturbed, sea pens emit a greenish light and can deflate, retreating into their bulbous feet.

在过去曾经有尖塔的地方,现在变成球状屋顶的东正教堂。Where there had been the occasional minaret, there were now the bulbous forms of orthodox churches.

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这种设计使气流与轮胎齐平,而与其他各支车队的球状整流截然不同。This design keeps the fairing flush with the wheel unlike the more bulbous arrangement of other teams.

她长著一个肥鼓鼓的蒜头鼻子,一双碧蓝的眼珠直盯盯地凝视著,令人感到不安。She had a fleshy, bulbous nose and eyes which stared out, a fine bright blue, with a disconcerting fixity.

与有些直接的球茎多年生植物,长矛形状对到达12英寸长的卵形,基础叶子。Bulbous perennial with somewhat straight, lance-shaped to oval, basal leaves that reach up to 12 inches long.