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于是,船队向西又航行了数英里,抵达沃尔默和蒂尔之间的海滩。So the flotilla sailed a few miles to the west.

爱波斯坦计划过要登上那支船队,而佩克上了船。Epstein had planned to be aboard the flotilla and Peck was.

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从2001年起,马克西莫夫担任第3潜艇编队的指挥官。From 2001, he was chief of staff of the 3rd submarine flotilla.

最近关于以色列袭击救援船的新闻,事情是复杂的。Recent news about Israel flotilla raid, things are complicated.

中央台长82.4米,支托着模型船小型舰队。A central table, 82.4 metres long, supports a flotilla of model ships.

爱朗将领说,阻止船队前进的唯一方法就是使用武力。General Iland said that the use of force was the only way to stop the flotilla.

2003年至2005年,他担任里海分舰队的参谋长兼第一副司令。In 2003-2005, he was chief of staff and first deputy CO of the Caspian Flotilla.

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周二,奥巴马总统对袭船事件深表遗憾。On Tuesday, President Obama expressed his “deep regret” over the flotilla incident.

加沙救援船队的支持者的动机远不止于人道主义。The supporters of the Gaza-bound aid flotilla had more than humanitarian intentions.

如今的挑战在于把五花八门的多国舰队打造成行动聚合体。The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

以色列为寻求与授权该船队的土耳其达成妥协付出努力了吗?Did it make a real effort to find a compromise with Turkey, which sanctioned the flotilla?

周年纪念日前夕,一支由8艘中国海监船组成的舰队进入该水域。On the eve of the anniversary, a flotilla of eight Chinese ships entered the territorial band of waters.

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塞浦路斯自由加沙运动组织和土耳其一支名为IHH的救援团体组建了这个船队。The Cyprus-based Free Gaza Movement and a Turkish aid group known by the letters IHH organized the flotilla.

音乐会在加沙船队遇袭的同一个月进行,在该事件中九名土耳其活跃分子被杀。The concert took place the same month as the Gaza flotilla raid, in which nine Turkish activists were killed.

上周埃尔多安甚至威胁要派遣土耳其舰队来护卫一支新的加沙地带巡逻队了。Last week Erdogan threatened to send Turkish warships to accompany a new blockade-running, Gaza-bound flotilla.

这支舰队穿过龙目海峡、望加锡海峡和苏拉威西海进入西太平洋。The flotilla passed along the Lombok Strait, Makassar Strait and the Sulawesi Sea to enter the West Pacific Ocean.

6个星期前,以色列部队拦截了一支试图冲破加沙封锁线的援助船队。It sailed from Greece six weeks after Israeli commandos intercepted an aid flotilla trying to break the Gaza blockade.

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这些滑板车是以军收缴来自土耳其船只货物的一部分。The scooters were part of the cargo confiscated by Israeli troops from the Gaza-bound flotilla that sailed from Turkey.

在巡礼当天,她也会在游行船队中获得自己梦寐以求的位置,没错,就是那艘名为“伊丽莎白女王”的航船。And she has won a coveted place in the flotilla on the day itself – in a boat named, appropriately enough, the Queen Elizabeth.

在那客店的墙角外面,有一群鸭子在浅沼里游行,一条路面铺得很坏的小道沿着那浅沼伸入丛莽。At one corner of the inn, beside a pool in which a flotilla of ducks was navigating, a badly paved path plunged into the bushes.