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我的膝盖瘀青了。My knee is bruised.

医生,我的膝盖好痛。Doctor , my knee hurts.

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他踩在齐膝深的雪里。He is knee deep in snow.

书从我的膝盖上滑落了。My book slid off my knee.

膝盖上放着我的班卓琴。With my banjo on my knee.

还带着心爱的五弦琴。With the banjo on my knee.

膝上扣着班卓琴。A banjo buckled on his knee.

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他摔了一跤,膝盖碰得很厉害。He fell and banged his knee.

我和他促膝谈心。I got knee to knee with him.

我把我的膝盖伤的很惨。I made burger out of my knee.

膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。Knee pain and varicose veins.

那就跪下来试试看把。Try getting down on one knee.

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在我的膝盖上摆弄他的小玩意儿。He played nicknack on my knee.

我要好好地和她促膝长谈。I'll get knee to knee with her.

艾舍斯特整天保养膝头。All day Ashurst rested his knee.

他碰上石头擦破了。He grazed his knee on the stone.

右膝保持柔软。Right knee to maintain softness.

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她摔了一跤,膝盖跌得乌青。She fell over and hurt her knee.

她把婴儿放在膝上颠着玩。She bounced the baby on her knee.

韩鹏此次受伤的还是左膝。The Han or the injured left knee.