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在阿拉巴马州,新法甚至可能会受人们心照不宣的欢迎。In Alabama, it might even be tacitly welcome.

这段插曲默默无言,却秘密而亲切。The episode was tacitly and secretly intimate.

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山姆心领神会,举起酒杯。Sam understands tacitly. He hoists his cup saying.

我一过去,便与阿玲心照不宣地笑起来。I have a past, have been liaising with Aling tacitly burst out laughing.

正是出于同一种心理,他默许菲茨比尔斯住了下来。It was in the same spirit that he had tacitly assented to Fitzpiers's domiciliation there.

但是,多少天、多少星期、多少个月接连过去了,冉阿让一声不响地接受了珂赛特一声不响的同意。But days, weeks, months, elapsed. Jean Valjean had tacitly accepted Cosette's tacit consent.

藤泽暗地大为愤怒,决定约曾念安会面,商议除掉刘汉祥。Fujisawa tacitly flew into a rage, decisions about Ceng Nianan meeting, discuss Liu Hanxiang.

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杨曼莉晓得,上海男人娶了老婆后,都是老婆是第一的,只好默许了。YangManLi know, Shanghai man married wife after, all is the wife is the first, had to tacitly.

美联储出手干预,意味着金融市场将获得一个托底性担保。Having the Fed intervene to prevent financial meltdowns tacitly puts a floor under financial markets.

这样做,我们默认为一个软件包可以“原封不动”地部署到不同环境。In doing so, we've tacitly assumed that this one package can be deployed to different environments "as is".

对此,文天祥内心虽有矛盾和痛苦,但实际上已经予以默许。Wen Tianxiang had tacitly consented to this though he had been full of contradiction and agony in his mind.

与此同时,我们多了些心照不宣的默契,尽管彼此都没有言明,这些默契包括At the same time, there are agreements we’ve tacitly made, without explicitly acknowledging them. They include

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刘备与诸葛亮默契结合成为该政治军事集团的领袖共同体。Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang combined tacitly and they become leaders Community of the political and military group.

裁判员与助理裁判员的严密分工,在场上的默契配合,目的是减少错判漏判。In order to reduce mistakes, the referee and the assistant referee makes strict division and cooperates tacitly.

作为政治背景下一个默默的有代表性的个体,玛利亚却误读了表明混乱的标志。As a tacitly symbolic individual in a political setting, however, Maria misreads all of the signs that point to chaos.

为此,美国默认德国重整军备的举动,并先后推出富勒使命和韦尔斯计划等安抚德国的行动与设想。So, it tacitly approved Germany rearmament. Moreover, America sent Fuller to Germany as well as advocated Welles Plan.

梵天运动,本质上是一个与欧洲文明折衷的运动,沉默地承认西方文明的优越性。The Brahmo Samaj, essentially a movement of compromise with European culture, tacitly admitted the superiority of the West.

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诺加说大多数人心照不宣的认同关注气候变化是社会的不和谐。According to Norgaard, most people have tacitly agreed that it is socially inappropriate to pay attention to climate change.

在父母经常鼓励之下,罗神父幼小的心灵早已静悄悄地萌生了圣召的苗芽。Under their enthusiastic encouragement, Fr. Thomas was having the seed of vocation germinating out tacitly in his infant heart.

时间久了,大家也见怪不怪了,默认它为教室的一员,从未赶过它。For a long time, everyone has become used to the unusual, tacitly recognising it as a member of class, and never chasing it out.