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今天是冬至。Today is Midwinter Day.

不过这会是一个非常奇怪的仲冬。It's just that it will be a very strange midwinter.

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但是,“冬至”,在汉语的字面上的意思是“冬天来了”。But, in Chinese, "midwinter" literally meaning is "winter come".

每年的冬至都要邀请一些乡里的贤人参加这项盛大的典礼。Local sages are invited to the grand ceremony in midwinter every year.

仲冬,反而是湖心最温暖,那儿的冰最薄。In midwinter the middle had been the warmest and the ice thinnest there.

我还没笨到大冬天在爱丁堡租没暖气的房子,公寓里是有暖气的。I am not stupid enough to rent an unheated flat in Edinburgh in midwinter. It had heating.

藉着上帝的恩典之主题演说,主教德米特里,于一九九九年北美理事会仲冬会议。Keynote Address Given by His Grace, Bishop Demetriat the NAC Midwinter Meeting, 1999February 12, 1999

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泰自杀的那个仲冬天,寒冷的阿肯色一切如常,没有发生什么印象特别深刻的事情。There was nothing particularly memorable about the cold midwinter Arkansas day when Ty killed himself.

然而,你有时还是会失手,像我在那个仲冬傍晚那样,在开枪之际迟疑了一下。And still, sometimes you fail, just as I did that late afternoon in midwinter when I flinched as my gun went off.

她很瘦弱,瘦弱得像东方森林隆冬时节的一缕阳光。她很高,几乎跟他一样高。She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was.

那些野蛮人最终也及时的懂得了里昂纳斯的人们所懂的,并最终在一个寒冷的冬至的下午,一整个代表团来了。In time the barbarians learned too, and so it was that a deputation came to me one cold Midwinter Day, between noon and the setting of the sun.

竹,茎中空,真而有节,其性坚韧,虽弯不折,叶四季常青,隆冬不凋,比之为树中君子。Bamboo, hollow, true and stem, the sexual tenacity, knobbly bending not fold, although midwinter amaranth, evergreen leaves, than for tree a gentleman.

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如果人类没有颁布新的历法,每128年春分日就会早到一个公历日,结果就是人们只能在寒冷的穷冬过复活节了。If the pope hadn't established the new calendar, every 128 years the spring equinox would have come a full calendar day earlier, eventually putting Easter in chilly midwinter.

劳伦斯•史密斯的第一次婚姻是注定了要在离北极圈南部不远的冰天雪地里举行,第二次则很有预见性的定在加州棕泉市,蓝天白云,情意盎然。THE first of Laurence Smith's two weddings was meant to take place in the midwinter snow not far south of the Arctic Circle. The second foresaw balmy blue skies in Palm Springs, California.