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在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others.

事实上,在电视剧中,拥有情感通常是弊端。And in fact, in a TV series emotions are often seen as a detriment.

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谨记“整齐、清洁和保持安静”三项原则便可无往而不利。Remember the "neat, clean, quiet and" three principles will be no detriment.

最后,许多人习惯性地用发薪日贷款来付款。Finally, many people end up habitually using payday loans much to their detriment.

在一个“依我所言,勿仿我行”的世界里,世界经济将割裂分化,伤害所有的国家。A “do what I say, not what I do” world economy will fracture, to the detriment of all.

工厂排污导致的叠加氟污染危害较大,应引起重视。And the unloadings from the factories cause great detriment of superposed F pollution.

但是,谁能证明这些武器会对我国的安全造成危害呢?However, who can argue that these weapons are a detriment to the safety of our nation?

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他妈是创新的核心,如果将之分离,对我们而言是一种损失。They are central to innovation, and to separate these is to the detriment of all of us.

在某些情况下,对于长期忍受的社会苦难来说,他们会成功。In some cases, and to the detriment of their long-suffering societies, they will succeed.

这一计划将提振汽车生产商及相关企业,却会对日本著名的铁路业造成损害。This should boost carmakers and related firms, to the detriment of Japan’s famed railways.

“你说得对,”汤姆回答,“没有得到搜查令的搜查其后果肯定会贻害无穷。"I guess you're left, " Linda replied. "Searching lacking a warrant get to prove to be a detriment.

如果您在这个时候刷你的牙齿,一些交叉的损害牙齿的珐琅质。If you brush your teeth at this time, that some of the enamel crossed to the detriment of the teeth.

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过度投身于工作或者生产当中,以至于牺牲了娱乐和人际关系。Is excessively devoted to work and productivity, to the detriment of leisure and relationships. 066.

结果他去研究恐龙,这使他父母的退休计画大受影响。Much to the detriment of his parents' retirement plans, he studies dinosaurs. Fiorillo completed his Ph.

其他规则稍微清楚一点,但对应用程序开发者可能产生的不利后果仍被忽略。Other rules are a bit clearer, but are still being ignored to the detriment of the application developer.

此外,在这些目的冲突的例子里,一个群体的“效率”成为另一个群体的损害。In these cases of conflicting ends, furthermore, one group's "efficiency" becomes another group's detriment.

在表达自己的年龄的时候,你可以做哪些事情来提升个人品牌而非成为不利因素呢?What can you do to present your age in a way that elevates your personal brand instead of being a detriment?

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最终,他们很受伤,人们总想回避风险,有所收获,但结果却是追求风险,走向亏损。In the end, to their detriment , people are always risk-adverse toward gains, but risk-seeking toward losses.

通风报信及其他损害同伴的行为是可耻的,也是禁止的。Informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden.

然而我们的政客们依然在玩那些充满陈词滥调的我所见过最愚蠢的祸国殃民的党派政治游戏。Still, the politicians play games to our detriment with the stupidest partisan banalities that I've ever seen.