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他睁开眼,笑了笑,笑声发颤。He opens his eyes and laughs a little, shakily.

不可能啊!一位顾问颤抖地说。That's impossible! one of the advisors said shakily.

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但是美国老鼠会的结构比欧洲的要结实些。America's pyramid is not as shakily constructed as Europe's, however.

最后,当太阳升起时,他颤巍巍的站起身来,望着眼前奄奄一息的余烬。At last, as the sun rose, he shakily stood up, and looked at the dying embers beforehim.

酒来了,倒上满满一大杯摇摇晃晃走上3楼天台。The liquor has come, pours on Man Man a big cup to step onto 3 building Tientai shakily.

在其中一个监护病房,一个患者,是个老人,从床上颤抖着起来并走向我。In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me.

路灯亮起时,我看见一个男人摇摇晃晃地向市政府厅方向走去。When the street-light shines, I see a man walking shakily to the direction of municipal government hall.

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规章限制和选举规则都将重新编写,因为这几个国家都在向民主化艰难迈进。Term limits and electoral rules will be rejigged as these countries shakily make their way towards democracy.

我朝镜子走去,看见了我自己,浑身战栗着向前走,面孔煞白,还沾满了鲜血。As I stepped up to the mirror , I saw myself , walking forward shakily , my face white and covered with blood.

现在,那个药店的店员在收银机上输进了小女孩的药品名,女孩则抖抖索索地抽出一张优惠券、一美元的钞票和几个硬币。Now the clerk rang up the little girl's medicine, while she shakily pulled out a coupon, a dollar bill and some coins.

如今,因全球经济正经历着二战后最严重的萧条,在这个新的转角处,中国得到了全世界的钦佩和赞赏。Now, as the global economy emerges shakily from the worst recession since World War II, China is attracting admiration from new corners.

改革开放以来,我国外贸发展在“量”上增长迅速,但在组织规模、竞争、结构、效益等“质”的方面明显不足。Since reform and opening up, China, s foreign trade has grown very fast in quantity, however it developed shakily in quality, such as in size, competition, structure, and efficiency.