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保证下风处的窗口通风。Keep a downwind window open.

在顺风航行时,可将活动龙骨板提起,以减少阻力,加快航速The centerboard can be raised for faster downwind sailing

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火山灰锥通常形成于火山口周围或者顺风处。Cinder cones often form around or downwind from volcanic vents.

小鸟顺风飞行,我在脑中写下一首绯句诗.The bird flies downwind. I'm writing a little haiku in my head.

这个球洞位置在山下,而且处在下风位置,距离并未显得十分遥远。The hole plays downhill and downwind so is not as long as it looks.

我总是感到尾风难以抓到浪滑行。I always fell difficulty to catch the wave and surfing during downwind.

已经向住在火势下风处的人们发出不要出门的警告。Warnings were issued to people living downwind of the fire to stay indoors.

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中国的快递一般用的是“顺风”,上门服务的。China's express delivery generally use the " downwind ", the on-site service.

他们全是沙丘顺风面条纹状暗色沉积物。They are actually dark streaks of sediment on the downwind side of the dunes.

我们一起去了北京最贵的顺风海鲜酒楼吃饭。We went to Beijing with the most expensive seafood restaurant for dinner downwind.

其影响区域主要为城市主导风向的下风向佳木斯市城市东部地区。Its impact is mainly urban areas downwind of the prevailing wind Jiamusi City East.

它洋洋得意,自高自大,只不过趁一时顺风罢了。It jauntily, above oneself, just take the advantage of temporarily downwind stopped.

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让我们的努力为您企业的发展顺风助航。So that our efforts for the development of your business downwind aids to navigation.

一路看似顺风顺水,殊不知生死降临。Look all the way seem downwind with the stream, little imagine life and death arrives.

农家的邻居们尤其是住在下游和下风的人也会感激不尽的。The farmer's neighbors certainly will, especially everyone living downwind and downstream.

对于下风向远距离处的浓度,EIAA的预测值高了一半以上。EIAA overestimates the concentrations at further downwind distance by more than a factor of 2.

武义顺风五金胶塑有限公司是一家生产各种日用五金的企业。Wuyi downwind metal plastic Plastic Co. , Ltd. is a daily production of the hardware business.

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在下风口加过油的人都知道汽油外泄的那种味道。Anyone who has ever pumped their own gas downwind of the tank knows the tell-tale smell of fuel.

通过所有这些手段,我们可以使筏子保持在与顺风风向两侧各成30度的航向。With all this possible rearranging, we can manage about 30 degrees on either side of straight downwind.

幸运的是,艾莉西亚一行人走得异常稳当,她们撞上了晴朗的顺风天。Fortunately, moxa Li Xi Yayi's pedestrian goes unusually reliably, their dash against sunny downwind day.