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吴神父在一九九一年晋升神父圣品职位,为多伦多总教区服务,牧养天主子民。Augustine's Seminary, and was ordained as a priest in 1991 for the archdiocese of Toronto.

现在,大主教区没有回答我们征询意见的要求,而且马鞍教堂的办公室已经关闭。Now, the Archdiocese did not return our calls seeking comment and the offices at Saddleback Church were closed.

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纽约的天主教大主教之管区出版了一本漫画书,旨在教育小孩子关于性骚扰者的危险。The Catholic Archdiocese of New York has put out a comic book to teach kids about the dangers of sexual predators.

在敎区的指示邀请,吴神父在圣额我略大学完成神学副博士及博士学位。At the request of the archdiocese , he completed his liscense and doctorate in theology at the Gregorian University.

堂区运作小组作为堂区圣堂的监保管理组别,向本堂的主任司铎负责,遵守多伦多总教区发出的圣堂维修指引。Accountable to the Pastor, the OMT as the parish custodian follows the Church Maintenance Guidelines issued by the Archdiocese of Toronto.

华盛顿教区的天主教慈善机构周二开始限制雇员的医疗保健资金以避免同性伴侣的波及。Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington on Tuesday limited employee health care benefits to avoid coverage of same-sex couples.

这封信招来骂声一片,在1975年到2004年,爱尔兰政府报告了大范围由都柏林主教辖区的牧师们实施的儿童虐待案。The letter follows the damning Irish government report on widespread child abuse by priests in the Dublin archdiocese between 1975 and 2004.

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在首尔总教区及天主教医疗中心的持续支持下,该诊所自零八年以来稳步发展,治疗了逾一万三千名病人。With continued support from Seoul Archdiocese and the CMC, the clinic has grown steadily and has treated more than 13,000 patients since 2008.

巴黎圣母院大教堂是一座位于法国巴黎市中心、西堤岛上的教堂建筑,也是天主教巴黎总教区的主教堂。Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is a city located in Paris, France, Sai Island EducationChurch building is Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paris cathedral.

一九九八年十一月江润坤神父应多伦多主教之邀请从香港前来接替陆之乐神父为圣曹桂英堂之主任司铎。In November 1998, at the request of the Archdiocese of Toronto, Fr. Dominic Kong was transferred from Hong Kong to succeed Fr. Ruggiero as the new Pastor.

第二份谴责口吻的报告将于6月底发行,届时文章将会对1940年之后都柏林大主教管区内几百名儿童受虐细节进行详细阐述。A second damning report, due to be published by the end of June, will detail the abuse of hundreds of children in the Dublin archdiocese from 1940 onwards.

费利克瓦雷拉生于十九世纪上半时期的古巴,是一位民权倡导者,曾在布鲁克林工作,当时的布鲁克林还是纽约大主教区的一部分。and the Rev. Félix Varela, an early-19th-century human rights advocate born in Cuba who worked in Brooklyn when it was still part of the New York Archdiocese.

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韩国首尔总教区「一身一心运动」荣获由卫生福利中心颁发的「生命与爱」大奖。The suicide prevention center of the One-Body One-Spirit Movement of Seoul archdiocese won the grand prize of Life and Love from the ministry for health and welfare.

能与你们共度周末对我来说真是一大快事,因为我知道接下来要做的工作对于我们神佑的总教区之生命力有着必不可少的重要意义。It is a great joy for me to be with all of you this weekend, because I know that the work that will be done is important and essential to the vitality of our God-protected Archdiocese.

不过,威克兰并不承认与保罗马库斯有任何性行为,但坦承教区曾在一九九八年花了四十五万美元来收买马库斯。However, Weakland did not admit having any sexual relationship with Paul Marcoux, though frankly confirming that the archdiocese once paid 450,000 US dollars in 1998 to buy over Marcoux.

该诊所早于二零零四年由韩国首尔总教区的金重浩神父建立,当时这位医生神父已开始在乌兰巴托为穷人提供医疗服务。The clinic was first established by Father Michael Kim Joong-ho from Seoul archdiocese in 2004 when the Korean doctor priest began offering medical services to poor people in Ulaan Baatar.

神父雨果·瓦尔德玛,墨西哥大主教堂发言人,其表示,法院“对待孩子犹如他们是宠物,谁想要孩子就被谁领养,并侵犯他们的权利。”Father Hugo Valdemar, the spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico, said the court had "treated children as if they were pets, to be adopted by whoever wants one, and that violates their rights."