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你应该见见哈森布什医生,这所医院的另一位神经科大夫。You need to meet Dr. Hassenbusch, another neurosurgeon on staff here.

琳达要当神经外科医生可真是希望渺茫。The chances of Linda becoming a neurosurgeon are about one in a googol.

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神经外科医生在手术切除脑肿瘤的同时还能做些什么?。What Neurosurgeon can Do besides Surgical Resection for Malignant Brain Tumor ?

当中至少有两人已经完成医疗培训,其中一位将成为神经外科医生。At least two of them had completed their medical training, with one about to become a neurosurgeon.

走投无路之下,父母找到了哈特福特医院的神经外科医生斯考维勒。His desperate parents were referred to William Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon at Hartford Hospital.

认为胸段突入后纵隔的肿瘤必须会同胸外科联合手术。For removal of extensive post-mediastinum tumors neurosurgeon should coopperate with thoracal surgeon.

神经外科医生在术前术后均应该重视颅内肿瘤患者存在的智力和记忆的损害。Neurosurgeon should pay more attention on intelligence and memory dysfunction on patients with intracranial tumors.

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详尽的术前检查,足够量的扩张皮肤,与神经外科的合作,是手术成功的关键。Detailed exam before operation, enough expanded scalp and cooperation with neurosurgeon are the keys of operation success.

儿神经外科医生伊恩·波普尔是带头研究人员之一,他说他希望这项手术技术不久将会用于国家医疗服务系统。Paediatric neurosurgeon Ian Pople, one of the lead researchers, said he hoped the technique would soon be used in the NHS.

动脉瘤的治疗专家既可能来自胸外科、又可能来自血管外科甚至神经外科。You may be referred to a cardiothoracic surgeon, vascular surgeon, or neurosurgeon for diagnosis and treatment of an aneurysm.

有几个医生正试验一种新的治疗,包括罗伯特莱维博士,他是西北纪念医院的一位神经外科医生,参与到用电流破坏那些刺激脸部的神经。A new treatment being tried out by a few doctors, including Dr. Robert Levy, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, involves

神经外科医生伊丽莎白.泰勒.卡巴拉医生就在这个部位开刀,然后把芯片从这一英寸的开口中放入,贴在左侧Hemmes的头骨上。That’s where neurosurgeon Elizabeth Tyler-Kabara cut, attaching the chip through an inch-wide opening on the left side of Mr. Hemmes’ skull.

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日本富士电视台报道,最近金正日的大儿子金正男飞往巴黎,寻求神经外科医生为父亲治疗。Japan's Fuji television has reported that Kim's eldest son, Kim Jong Nam, flew recently to Paris to recruit a neurosurgeon to treat his father.

现在,旧金山加州大学神经外科医生,安德鲁·帕尔萨,制定的治疗方法,可增加病人的生命数年。Now Andrew Parsa, a neurosurgeon at the University of California at San Francisco, has developed a treatment that could add years to patients’ lives.

“四年前,周明天,我正坐在重症监护病房中的图森和神经外科医生说她和她的创伤外科医生的进步,”凯利今天说。"Four weeks ago tomorrow, I was sitting in the ICU in Tuscon and talking to her neurosurgeon and trauma surgeon about her progress, " Kelly said today.

我们回顾性分析了该中心专门从事脑血管手术的的神经外科医师治疗的未破裂动脉瘤的资料。We describe a consecutive series of patients with unruptured IAs treated by a neurosurgeon initiating a dedicated cerebrovascular practice in the "endovascular era."

而另一位神经外科医生约翰·弗雷齐博士却认为,虽然目前这对姐妹的情况很好,但还不能确保她们的脑部没有受到损伤。The doctors' sense was that the girls fared well, but it remained to be determined whether they suffered any brain damage, said Dr. John Frazee, another neurosurgeon.

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在朝鲜见到金正日以后,那位来自法国巴黎圣安妮医院的Roux医生说他以前就已经中风了,但没有接受手术。After visiting Kim in North Korea, neurosurgeon Francois-Xavier Roux of Sainte-Anne hospital in Paris said the leader had suffered a stroke but had not undergone surgery.

爱泼斯坦用自己发明的新技术成功地切除了,爱泼斯坦是曼哈顿纽约大学医疗中心的儿童神经外科大夫。His spinal cord tumor had been removed through a new technique pioneered by Fred J. Epstein, a pediatric neurosurgeon at the New York University Medical Center in Manhattan.

他的脊髓肿瘤由弗雷德.J。爱泼斯坦用自己发明的新技术成功地切除了,爱泼斯坦是曼哈顿纽约大学医疗中心的儿童神经外科大夫。His spinal cord tumor had been removed through a new technique pioneered by Fred J. Epstein, a pediatric neurosurgeon at the New York University Medical Center in Manhattan.