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褶做的装饰的皱褶。To make into a ruffle or frill.

她在她的裙子下边缝上饰边。She sewed a frill on the bottom of her skirt.

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颈部有明显的装饰性毛发。The neck has a well-marked frill in the coat.

鬃毛和饰毛的毛发都非常丰富。The coat is very abundant on the mane and frill.

我喜欢有褶皱的内裤亲吻屁屁的感觉。I love the idea of "kicking ass" with frill knickers on.

舞蹈也终于不再是供消遣娱乐的附加装饰。At last dancing had become more than an extra and entertaining frill.

有丰厚的鬃毛和饰毛,而且雄性更为明显。Mane and frill should be abundant, and particularly impressive in males.

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写作并非少数人的镶饰,而是每一个人的基本能力。Writing today is not a frill for the few, but an essential skill for all.

休息时,耳朵向前折叠,呈半立耳姿态。When in repose the ears are folded lengthwise and thrown back into the frill.

皱褶是用于吓唬敌人的轮状衣领,就像野猫一样。The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats.

克伦伯猎鹬犬拥有良好的颈部装饰,在任何条件下都不能刨除喉咙的毛发。The Clumber has a good neck frill and on no condition should his throat be shaved.

只有这样,才能充分发挥设备的投资效益与使用效益。Only this, To give frill play to the investment benefit and the use benefit of the equipment.

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这是几十年以来一个很大的变化,当年城市官员们认为好的设计只是昂贵的虚荣。It’s a big change from decades ago, when city bureaucrats considered good design a costly frill.

皱褶是用于吓唬敌人的轮状衣领,就像野猫一样。现在,这是半张开的皱褶。The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats. Now, here's the frill at half staff.

牠长而突出的后头骨不单是为了展现侵略性,还可以保护敏感的颈部免受攻击。Its long postcranial frill not only serves as a display of aggression, but also protects the sensitive neck area from attacks.

恐吓皱褶的目的是给蜥蜴足够的时间仓皇撤退,窜入最近的树丛中。The point of the scary frill is to give the lizard enough time to beat a hasty retreat, rocketing up the nearest arboreal loft.

长度恰当,竖直向上举着,颈背略微圆拱,显示出自豪,直立的姿态可以更好的展示饰毛。It is fairly long, carried upright with a slight arch at the nape and imparts a proud, upstanding appearance showing off the frill.

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在背部上,有一长条结构是最令人激动的发现之一。一条从骨盆到尾巴的连续褶皱。第一次看到在水栖恐龙木乃伊中存在。Along the back runs one of the most exciting finds. A continuous frill from the pelvis to the tail. The first preserved in a hydrosaur mummy.

巴特洛普补充道,在跳绳的时候,艾阿拉晃了几下,有一次绳子还碰到了他衣服上的饰品,但艾阿拉最终还是“表现良好,非常稳定”。He added Mr Ayala had a couple of wobbles and there was a moment when the skipping rope caught a frill on his clothes, but he was "fine, very steady".

一系列的现代的变形被应用到这个基础的传统形式中,例如侧墙上波浪起伏的木质褶边使外部看起来活泼了许多。A series of contemporary twists have been introduced to the basic traditional form, such as the undulating timber frill of the flank walls which enlivens the exterior.