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将及时向你通报情况。对吗?You will be kept informed.

哈哈哈,现在我可是博学了哟。Ha-ha, I am so informed now.

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已经通知了他的家人。His family has been informed.

即希见告。Hope to be informed immediately.

这全能让我一直消息灵通。This all helps keep me informed.

他通知我你到了。He informed me about your arrival.

我了解行情,走进车行时已是一个懂行的买主了。I went in. I was an informed buyer.

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我已口头通知他了。I have informed him by word of mouth.

在他的著作中充满着对自然的爱。A love of nature informed his writing.

我打电报通知了她这件事。I informed her of the fact by telegram.

大智者发宏论。Big wisdom person hair informed opinion.

18岁的人能够给予知情同意吗?Can an 18-year-old give informed consent?

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她要求所有情况都得向她通报。She demands to be informed of everything.

如果有退票的,请通知我。Pls keep me informed if you return ticket.

自己谁有祛痘阅历通知一下吧!Their own acne experience who informed on!

这个精明的政策被过去的作为所熟知。This astute policy is informed by the past.

智多言语少。但是的日语怎么说。He is a well informed man who speaks little.

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意大利方面,米兰和罗马也对马塞雷斯感兴趣。In Italy, Milan and Roma were also informed.

此事已通知该学生家长。The parents of the pupil have been informed.

但是,优胜者将专函通知。But prize winners will be informed by letter.