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该抢答器可作为智力竞赛的评判装置。The responder can be used as quiz judged device.

然后响应者将响应发送到这个目的地。The responder then sends the response to that destination.

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请求可能还未被传递给响应方。The request might not have been delivered to the responder.

对该响应器进行效率和安全性分析。It analyzes the efficiency and security of the improved OCSP responder.

每月获得高品质的铅包和一个极好自动应答服务。Get monthly high quality Lead packages and an excellent auto responder service.

如果回应者觉得得到的钱数量太少而拒绝对方的出价,游戏的双方都不能继续得到更多的钱。If a responder turns down the offer as too low, then neither player gets any money.

本文给出了一种基于PTR80000的多路无线智能抢答系统的设计方案。This paper presents a PTR80000 based on the multi-channel wireless smart Responder system design.

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当远程请求完成时,回调请求中指定的响应器。When the remote request is completed, it will call back to the responder specified in the request.

韦杰说。“安慰剂反应者有所反应就是他们在痛苦产生之前有重新评估痛苦的意义的能力。”What makes a placebo responder is the ability to re-evaluate the meaning of pain before it happens.

一线救护者用担架抬着两人跑过街道,他们的衣服都烂了。First responder s ran through the street outside with two people on stretchers, their clothes badly torn.

并且其它的研究也表明,越早到达座标零点的急救员,会病得越重。And as other studies suggest, the earlier a responder arrived at ground zero, the more serious their illness.

在下面的部分中,我将研究从服务请求方发送消息到服务响应方。In the following section I will investigate sending a message from a service requestor to a service responder.

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在这个游戏中,“申请人”会得到一笔钱,他们可以把其中的一部分钱提供给“回应者”,和他们分享。In the game, a "proposer" is given a sum of money, part of which he or she offers to share with a "responder."

拥有这一领域认证书的学生将能够作为第一急救人服务急诊患者。With certification in this field, a student will be able to serve as a first responder to medical emergencies.

高反应者多为隔离受限、社会歧视明显以及习惯于采用消极应对方式者。The influencing factors among the sever responder groups were isolation, social discrimination and negative coping.

介绍了由飞利浦89C51单片机控制的多路抢答器系统。This paper introduces the system of the multiplex rush responder controled by the monolithic processor of Phillip's 89C51.

本文就海洋监测系统中用到的一种仪器——QSF3-1型声学应答释放器进行了可靠性分析。The reliability analysis of QSF3 -1 Model Acoustic Responder Releaser using for marine monitoring system is introduced here.

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单最好的“先遣急救员”,防止各种灾难,是一个足够的储蓄和保险相结合。The single-best "first responder" safeguard against all kinds of catastrophes is a combination of adequate savings and insurance.

将DES加密算法应用于系统的安全通信,最终实现了本文的设计方案。And the DES Encryption is applied to security communication. Finally I finished the design of circuitries of reader and responder.

该智能应答器已完成了对炮位雷达信号的测试,取得了令人满意的效果。The test for the intelligent responder is completed for the signal of the weapon location radar and the test result is satisfactory.