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廉价的宗教通常是欺骗的宗教。There is nothing more irreligious than self-absorbed religion.

为什么有许多不道德无信仰之辈却获得成功并享有活力四射的健康?Why is it many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health?

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为何如此多不道德和无宗教信仰的人获得了成功并且事业兴旺,还享受着不错的健康?Why is it that many immoral and irreligious people succeed and prosper and enjoy radiant health?

凯伦•阿姆斯壮在这一点上做得很好,这也让她在一个普遍无宗教信仰的年代里,成为了一位成功的宗教使者。Karen Armstrong is a good blender, which has made her a successful ambassador of religion in a generally irreligious age.

这只猪在以伊斯兰教为主的阿富汗是个稀罕物,因为猪他们的宗教忌讳,因此猪肉和猪制品都是违法的。The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious.

维护传统的人们为此事悲伤,为变得不信宗教的人们惋惜,认为他们已经堕落。The traditionalists regretted this fact and pitied the people who had become irreligious , considering them as having degenerated.

但是中国人从11世纪以来就一直没有信仰,我们也只是他们把蒋介石赶跑了之后才厌恶他们。But the Chinese have been irreligious since the eleventh century, and we only began to hate them when they turned out Chiang Kai-shek.

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还是因为美国人把它当做国家悲剧供奉起来,使它得以免于被亵渎神明的翻案者从坟墓中挖出来?Or that Americans have santi- fied it as official tragedy, a title that confers immunity from irreligious revisionists who would reopen the grave?

反对者强调了这一理论对穆斯林社会和文化的威胁,许多人将进化论与无神论混淆,认为它是反对宗教的。Opponents highlight the social and cultural threats that the theory poses for Muslims — many people confuse evolution with atheism and consider it irreligious.

但是一场灾难已经持续了许久,这灾难就是世俗化的和非宗教的人文主义意识。There is a disaster, however, which has already been under way for quite some time. I am referring to the calamity of a despiritualized and irreligious humanistic consciousness.

如果自杀是他来到这座坟墓时的一个梦想,在这方面他可没有成功,但我们怀疑他会去考虑自杀这一违反宗教的行为。If suicide formed part of what he had meditated on coming to this sepulchre, to that spot, he had not succeeded. But we doubt whether he had thought of suicide, an irreligious act.