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“五号”和“回声”盔甲上的印花是为了纪念“重担”在里希卫星上的牺牲。Fives and Echo have decals on their armor commemorating Hevy's sacrifice on the Rishi Moon.

阿斯汤加瑜伽是一种古老的瑜伽体系,是仙人传授Vamana在瑜伽Korunta。Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient system of Yoga that was taught by Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta.

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美国小女孩艾米莉和小猩猩“里什”初识时,还都处在刚会爬的婴儿阶段。The last time Emily Bland met Rishi the orang-utan, they were both still at the crawling stage.

罗摩的七个伟大首府城市,在古典印度文献就被认为是“七个圣哲城市”。The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities."

但是我觉得这一演示引人注意的是,我从未见过仙人·钱德拉与人直接的互动。But what I found notable about the demo was that I never saw Rishi Chandra actually interacting with anything directly.

克里希那穆提在北美创办的唯一学校,姊妹学校包括印度的印度瑞希山谷学校和英国布洛克伍德学校。The only Krishnamurti school in North America, with sister schools that include India's Rishi Valley and the UK's Brockwood Park schools.

你把表格交给智慧的圣哲,他的任务就是帮你找出一个你将出生于此的生活环境,这个环境能让你学会这些品质。You turn in your paperwork to the wise Rishi whose job it is to help you find a life situation you can be born into so that you will learn these things.

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麦金农的负风险溢价理论说明,在流动性陷阱的情况下,日本银行业很难赢利。Rishi Goyal sand Ronald Mckinnon theory of negative risk premium shows that Japans banks are hard to make profit under the circumstances of liquidity trap.

但是谷歌电视同样提供了一个完整的网页浏览器,用户可以用来网页浏览。"All of a sudden, all that content out on the Web, all those millions of channels, are now on your TV, " says Rishi Chandra, lead product manager for Google TV.

在杀死一条里什鳗以后,雷克斯碰了回声的铠甲,在他的盔甲上留下了一个鳗血的手印。这个手印在该集剩下的时间中一直存在,使得回声更容易被出来。Rex touches Echo's armor after killing a Rishi eel, leaving a handprint of eel blood on his armor that remains throughout the rest of the episode, making Echo easier to identify.

在美国大型濒危和珍稀动物研究所内,两只刚5个星期大的小豹索尔卡和钱特与一只幼年大猩猩成了好友。1岁大的大猩猩理实已经长得毛茸茸,为体重仅约1公斤的两只小豹提供了温暖怀抱。Solka and his sister Chant, the adorable twin baby leopards aged 5 weeks, have made friends with a baby orangutan Rishi at The Institute of Greatly Endangered and Rare Species in the US.