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这是鉴于成品平衡器。This is a view of the finished balancer.

然后拆下阀盖及平衡器。Secondly, disassemble bonnet and balancer.

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根据需要重新配置负载平衡器。Reconfigure the load balancer if necessary.

下面是最简单的负载平衡器。Here is the simplest load balancer possible.

弹性负载均衡器是一个比较简单的负载均衡器。Elastic Load Balancing is a fairly simple load balancer.

集群前端是一个软件HTTP负载均衡器。The cluster is fronted by a software HTTP load balancer.

或者,您只是想享受构造自己的负载平衡器的乐趣。Or maybe you just want the fun of rolling your own load balancer.

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负载均衡器用该地址来指示其自身。This is the address that the Load Balancer will refer to itself as.

代理服务器还可以作为负载平衡器或故障转移管理器。A proxy server can also act as a load balancer or a fail-over manager.

典型的负载平衡器不具备这样的智能水平。This level of intelligence would not be possible with a typical load balancer.

一个磁性的平衡器是由一个轴悬在两个磁体。A magnetic balancer consists of a shaft which is suspended between two magnets.

鉴于此,本课题研究开发了基于多CPU嵌入式系统的动平衡机。So, this paper mainly develop the dynamic balancer based on multi-CPU embedded system.

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请求被转发到集群主机,该集群主机名称映射到负载均衡器。The request is forwarded to the cluster host name that is mapped to the Load Balancer.

负载平衡器利用这一信息将需求发送给相应的服务器子集。The load balancer uses this information to dispatch requests to the proper server subset.

请求进入负载均衡器,然后被转发到池中一个可用的服务器中。Requests come in to the load balancer and are directed to an available server in the pool.

以风险态度区隔市场,得到风险趋避型、平衡型及爱好型三族群。Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are Risk averter , Risk balancer and Risk lover.

这个值通常用于集群化环境,或其中使用一个外部负载平衡器的设置。This is typical for clustered environments or setups where an external load balancer is used.

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当客户端发送数据时,负载平衡器将相同的数据推送到目的地服务器。When the client sends data, the load balancer pushes that same data to the destination server.

正常配置后,负载平衡器能为用户提供无缝的故障转移体验。When configured properly, a load balancer can provide users with a seamless failover experience.

但是同样,使用这种实现时,请考虑寻找一种负载平衡器。But then again, if you are at that point of your implementation, consider looking into a load balancer.