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事实上,很少人会“庸人自扰”。In fact, most people don't complain frivolously.

本人通常不会轻易使用这样的词汇,即使是出于愤怒之情。I don't use the term "Nazi" frivolously or out of anger.

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她好像觉得她的装束过分讲究,显得快活而轻浮,很慕虚荣。She thought her too fashionably dressed, too frivolously gay and vain.

相反,如果你自私地把钱藏起来或者用在愚蠢的地方,会永远觉得钱不够多。However, if you hoard money selfishly or spend it frivolously , you will never have enough.

神的圣洁要求我们在敬拜他时保持严肃,不可轻浮。The holiness of God requires us to take our worship seriously and not to participate frivolously.

许多出版商正在使用这样的代码,但是不能因为这样很酷就盲目地加入它们。A lot of publishers are using such codes, but they can't be added frivolously for the cool factor.

我有过退休计划,但是在我三次换工作的时候,我撤回了那些保险并且愚蠢的花掉了。I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.

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“斯科尔斯开始打的真不错,但有一段时间他丢球太容易,”弗格森说。"Scholes started absolutely fantastic, but had a period when he started to give the ball away frivolously , " Ferguson said.

她的意思是,如果你无节制地花钱,以后你可能会真正需要它,而且会为你先前随手花钱感到后悔。What she meant is that if you spent money frivolously , you might really need it later and regret your earlier careless spending.

当你恣意的将你的人民的性命全抛洒出去时,你的国王却安稳的坐在如同谎言的王位上,连伸出一个手指帮忙都不肯。You frivolously throw away the lives of your people while your own king sits atop his throne of lies, nary lifting a finger to help.

那些自我信念牢固不移的人,会毫不犹豫地解决,好似轻松的像是摆脱一件身外之物。The very people among whom there is so strongly established this certainty, do not hesitate to settle just as frivolously what is not part of them.

我曾经有过退休金的,但是换了3次工作,我取出了我的养老金并且草率地花掉了。What money I could have invested by now! I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously.

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然而,迪卡普里奥渴望做普通人,他没有保镖没有私人飞机没有像其他的巨星那样铺张浪费。Yet DiCaprio yearns to be a regular guy. He doesn’t have bodyguards and doesn’t fly private jets and doesn’t spend as lavishly or frivolously as a lot of his megastar counterparts.

不过,浙江师范大学李震教授持有不同意见。他认为,“普文二”青年这个名词的出现和传播是青年缓解压力和力图获得社会聚焦的重要手段。According to Xiao Beiying, an associate professor at Huaqiao University, pu-wen-er fans tend to behave frivolously and the phenomenon might lead to the misunderstanding of Internet culture.