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此外,在某些情况下营养服务南部普拉特县。Also, in some instances SCN serves southern Platte County.

路上他们俩停车过夜,第二天中午抵达北普拉特。The two of them stopped overnight and arrived in North Platte at noon the next day.

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美国内布拉斯加州中南部城市,位于普拉特河上,大岛西南偏西部。A city of south-central Nebraska on the Platte River west-southwest of Grand Island.

一只最小的燕鸥在内布拉斯加弗里蒙特附近普拉特河沿岸照料她建在一个矿场的窝。An interior least tern tends her nest at a mine along the Platte River near Fremont, Nebraska.

我亲眼目睹进化累积的智慧和信念在普拉特上空传播。It was the accrued wisdom and resoluteness of evolution that I was witnessing, airborne above the Platte.

丹佛美国科罗拉多州首府和最大的城市,位于该州中北部,邻南普拉特河。The capital and largest city of Colorado, in the north-central part of the state on the South Platte River.

在大西洋盆地的山坡地区,分布着许多由北普拉特河分出来的支流小河。On the declivity of the Atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the North Platte River, already appeared.

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在大西洋盆地的山坡地区,分布著许多由北普拉特河分出来的支流小河。On the declivity of the atlantic basin the first streams, branches of the north platte river, already appeared.

内布拉斯加州普拉特河沿岸的雾网抓住了一只雌性食米鸟,它将被装上带有地理定位器的标签,然后放飞。Caught in a mist net along Nebraska's Platte River, a female bobolink will be tagged with a geolocator and released.

美国科罗拉多州北部中心的一座城市,是南普拉特河边丹佛城的住宅区及工业郊区。人口29,387。A city of north-central Colorado, a residential and industrial suburb of Denver on the South Platte River. Population, 29,387.

由于河水完全供城市地区和农业使用,许多人想知道,还有多长时间普拉特会流干。With water in the river fully appropriated for urban areas and agriculture, many wonder how long it will be until the Platte runs dry.

五十万只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州的普拉特河上停留,寻觅附近田里剩下的玉米、蠕虫和其它食物,给自己增加脂肪。Half a million sandhill cranes pause on the Platte River in Nebraska to fatten up on corn waste, worms, and other food in nearby fields.

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年度迁徙途中的数千只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州吉本附近的罗保护区停留,栖息在普拉特河上。Thousands of sandhill cranes roost on the Platte River during their annual migratory stopover at the Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, Nebraska.

其早期的帮众若非被击毙则身陷囹圄,而杰西招募鲍勃福特和查理福特助其抢劫普拉特市银行。All of his earlier gang members were either dead or in prison, but Jesse recruited Bob and Charlie Ford to help him rob the Platte City bank.

哥伦布美国内布拉斯加州中东部城市,位于奥马哈西部洛普河和柏拉蒂河的交汇处,是一个贸易加工和制造业中心。A city of east-central Nebraska at the confluence of the Loup and Platte rivers west of Omaha. It is a trade, processing, and manufacturing center.

河流与含水层之间有着密切的水量交换,这些信息对普拉特河谷,或类似地区的水资源合理开发利用和管理都是非常重要的。The information obtained is of significance to reasonable development and utilization of water resources of the Platte River Valley and other similar regions.

美国内布拉斯加州中东部城市,位于奥马哈西部洛普河和柏拉蒂河的交汇处,是一个贸易加工和制造业中心。人口9,480。A city of east-central Nebraska at the confluence of the Loup and Platte rivers west of Omaha. It is a trade, processing, and manufacturing center. Population, 9,480.

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美国内布拉斯加州中东部城市,位于奥马哈西部洛普河和柏拉蒂河的交汇处,是一个贸易加工和制造业中心。人口19,480。A city of east-central Nebraska at the confluence of the Loup and Platte rivers west of Omaha. It is a trade, processing, and manufacturing center. Population, 19,480.

哥伦布美国内布拉斯加州中东部城市,位于奥马哈西部洛普河和柏拉蒂河的交汇处,是一个贸易加工和制造业中心。人口19,480。A city of east-central Nebraska at the confluence of the Loup and Platte rivers west of Omaha . It is a trade, processing, and manufacturing center. Population, 19, 480.