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一对在巡逻的时候另外一个在高空俯视。A pair on patrol and one at high altitude on overwatch.

观测炮击的炮弹将不会再在地面下爆炸。Overwatch projectile shouldn't explode below ground any more.

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琳达还固定在适当的位置,追踪着掩护的哨兵。Linda was still locked in place, tracking the overwatch Sentinel.

这里很少有掩护,所以他扫描天空中的哨兵看守。There was less cover, so he scanned the skies for Sentinel overwatch.

掩护移动开始适合于游戏了。Traveling Overwatch is where things start to become applicable to gaming.

掩护跃进事实上就是“标准步兵移动技术”。Bounding Overwatch is the de-facto "Standard Infantry Movement Technique".

穿越危险地段的技巧是掩护跃进的另一种形式。The technique for crossing a danger area is another form of bounding overwatch.

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队长应该选择较高的地形来提供观察掩护。Element leaders should also try to get superior ground when providing overwatch.

我努力的试图找出一个看守好调色板了几天。I struggled for a few days trying to come up with a good color palette for Overwatch.

记住,掩护跃进不只是在交火前使用,交战当中也应该使用。Note that bounding overwatch is used not only when moving to contact but also when contact has been made.

另一架“捕食者”无人侦察机“一直执行监视任务,在攻击后没有在该地区发现人员活动”。A surveillance drone, a Predator, "was providing overwatch and nothing was seen moving in the area after the strike".

美国军队正在从承担主要作战任务转向配合伊拉克部队的行动,最终将转为防护性监测。American troops are shifting from leading operations, to partnering with Iraqi forces, and, eventually, to a protective overwatch mission.

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不,在第二次世界大战期间,他做为民防队员奉命看守4名日本战俘,曾连续5天5夜没有合眼。No, during the Second World War, as an air warder, he was appointed to overwatch four Japanese prisoners of war and had stayed up 5 days and nights in rows.

澳大利亚监督战斗团的指挥官维布斯丹中校,对这些即将离开伊拉克的澳大利亚军人说,他们的使命已经成功。The commanding officer of Australia's Overwatch Battle Group, Lieutenant Colonel Chris Websdane, told the departing soldiers that their mission had been a success.

队长应该选择较高的地形来提供观察掩护。这大大提高了观察掩护的效果。Element leaders should also try to get superior ground when providing overwatch . A commanding view of the terrain increases the effectiveness of an overwatch element by a great deal.