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两税合并谁将受益?。Who benefit from the incorporation?

组织是否可以被拒绝法人化?Can an association be refused incorporation?

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合并之后的公司要进行重组。The company will be retooled after the incorporation.

涉及在特拉华州成立的公司,请遵照以上格式填写。Please always use this form for incorporation in Deleware.

法团为英属维尔京群岛商业公司,基金公司。Incorporation of the Fund company as a BVI Business Company.

如果指数不相等的,就直接归并到llist2中。If the index is not equal, direct incorporation of llist2 China.

趋势之一是将虚拟机监控程序纳入智能手机中。One possible trend is incorporation of hypervisors into smartphones.

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采用3H-亮氨酸掺入法测定心肌细胞蛋白质合成速率。The protein synthesis rate was measured by 3H-leucine incorporation.

商业登记证或公司注册证明文件副本。A copy of your business registration or certificate of incorporation.

谷歌在其选择谷歌包许多本纳入产品。Google selected this product for incorporation in many of their Google Packs.

因此,大概你可以推迟注册公司,直到筹到资金为止。So maybe you should defer incorporation until you are close to raising money.

放射性氨基酸在体外参人卵黄原蛋白的动力学与在体内的相似。The kinetics o'f incorporation of radioactive amino acid into Vg in vitro was.

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不同制备条件对微球药物包封率的影响程度较小。The drug incorporation efficiency was affected in a narrow range by the conditions.

在接受这些狂热思想后,他们一生都不会改变这种思想。After incorporation of fanatic ideas they do not change them throughout their lives.

三公司章程、股东名册及其持有股数。Articles of incorporation and roster of shareholders and their respective shareholdings.

本条例旨在为鲍思高慈幼会香港司理成立为法团而订定条文。To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Salesian Society.

教育局会在该学校设立法团校董会时向学校发出“法团校董会证书”。EDB will issue a Certificate of Incorporation to schools when their IMCs are established.

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净度和热成型性能,从而加强了对核和滑移代理组建。Clarity and thermoformability are enhanced by the incorporation of nucleating and slip agent.

文章第三部分详细探讨了公司章程性质,介绍并评析了契约说、宪章说以及自治法说。The author alsoreviewed the company law's defect about the legitimacy of articles of incorporation.

因此,应将IEQ要求融入建筑项目的每一个阶段。Thus, the requirements of IEQ require their incorporation into every phase of the building project.