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他顽强的手和脚开始痉挛地微弱地挣扎和划动。His wilful hands and feet began to beat and churn about, spasmodically and feebly.

现在,他完全僵硬了,除了手掌时不时一开一合。He was utterly rigid except for his hands, which were opening and closing spasmodically.

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他像一个刚出生的羚羊一样摇摇晃晃,他的手臂和身子随着肌肉的收紧而抖动,时不时地使他生气。He is unsteady as a newborn antelope, his arms and body shaking as muscles clench and nerves fire spasmodically.

被打死的警察后脑勺开了花,他的身体还在断断续续地抽搐,却无法挣脱安全带的束缚挺直。The dead marshal jerked spasmodically as the back of his head blew out, but the safety belt kept him erect in the chair.

在月光透过树枝撒下的那一片星星点点的亮光中,一个男人的手正在痉挛地乱抓地上的青草。In a white patch of light, where the moon shone through the branches, a man's hand was plucking spasmodically at the grass.

“能活着真是件好事”这只三叶状生物说道,它突出的触角和触须因为对未来的希望而断断续续的抖动着。"It's a wonderful time to be alive, " said the tri-lobed creature, its protruding feelers and antennules twitching spasmodically with anticipation.

别看只是个小游戏,可是当得知它的主创是一名大一的学生的时候,现场发出了阵阵惊呼。Although being only small game, while but being informed of its host wound is one's important one student, the scene has been sent out crying out in alarm spasmodically.

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他盘着两腿坐在土耳其式沙发上,那模样跟户主家里人不相上下,他的嘴角上深深地叼着一根琥珀烟嘴子,一面眯缝起眼睛,若断若续地抽烟。He sat with his leg up on the ottoman, as though he were at home, and with the amber mouthpiece in the side of his mouth, he smoked spasmodically , puckering up his face.

经前期头痛多为经前期紧张症的表现,头痛呈周期性发作性胀痛或跳痛。Classics early days has a headache to be the expression of catatonia of classics early days more, have a headache show periodic bilge spasmodically painful or jump painful.

其他类似太阳般较普通的恒星则苟延残喘,它们不会爆炸,而是在来日不多的馀年里,像汽油将尽的汽车引擎般,断断续续地燃烧它们的燃料。More modest stars, such as the sun, have a drawn-out death. Instead of detonating, they spend their last years burning their fuel spasmodically , like an automobile engine running out of gas.

汤姆·斯兰特瑞没有奴隶,他和两个年长的儿子断断续续地耕种着少得可怜的棉花田,而妻子和年幼的孩子就照料所谓的蔬菜园。Tom Slattery owned no slaves , and he and his two oldest boys spasmodically worked their few acres of cotton, while the wife and younger children tended what was supposed to be a vegetable garden.