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它出现在更精细的方式在1630年。It appeared in finer ways in the 1630s.

蚯蚓取食时丢弃了较细的颗粒。Worms reject the finer particles when feeding.

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演莎士比亚从来就没有用过这么好的袜子。Shakspeare never was complimented with a finer pair.

为了更好地进行控制,您可以使用键和偏移量。For even finer control, you can use keys and offsets.

全英国没有哪一个郡比德比郡更好了。There is not a finer county in England than Derbyshire.

采用这种度量方法时,旦尼尔数越低,则纱线越细。In this system the lower the number, the finer the yarn.

他们尽了最大的勤苦帮助病号和伤员。They did their far finer help the sick with the wounded.

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表明纱线支数越大,则纱线越细。Note that the higher the yarn number, the finer the yarn.

目的为探寻更精细的下面部轮廓整形方法。Objective To find a way for finer lower face re-contouring.

直径更小的雾化水粒能有效捕集尘粒。Finer atomized water drips can effectively catch dust grains.

此外,大规模市场促进分工的细密化。The large market also provides for a finer division of labor.

此外,也用于其他光学显微镜照相,均获得理想效果。Also taking photos with other optics microscopes obtained finer results.

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任何含有嵌入致密的矿物基质的火成岩。Any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals.

更精细的刻蚀技术可以孕育更高性能的微芯片,而这仅仅是开始。Finer etching begets higher-performing microchips, and that's just a start.

更精细的刻蚀技术可以孕育更高性能的微芯片,而这仅仅是开始。Finer etching begets higher-performing microchips, and that’s just a start.

星号是一个占位符,用于在以后支持更细粒度的探测点。The asterisk is a placeholder for supporting finer probe points in the future.

对停止和启动资源管理器服务有更好的控制。There are finer control over stopping and starting the Resource Manager services.

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特克斯支数45和更细的纱线,单丝形态平均每8盎司不超过一个纽结。TEX size 45 and finer shall average no more than one knot per 8 ounces in singles.

驴肉蛋白质含量高,胆固醇含量低,而且比牛肉纤维细。Donkey meat is high in protein, low in cholesterol and has a finer fiber than beef.

经过回火之后,钢的强度增大,因为其晶粒变细了。After having been tempered, the steel becomes stronger because its grains get finer.