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在树上晒太阳的水蟒。Anaconda sunning on a tree.

那是蟒蛇牌麦芽酒吗?Is that Anaconda Malt Liquor ?

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委内瑞拉大草原上的水蟒。An anaconda in the Llanos of Venezuela.

在南美洲,活蟒蛇和蟒蛇。In South America, live anaconda and boa constrictor.

若有必要,阿富汗的增援部队已为参加蟒蛇行动作好了准备。Afghan reinforcements are ready if needed to participate in Operation Anaconda.

这段话能够说明吊灯里的巨蟒倒底能够放出多少能量来了。Here we see just how far that anaconda in the chandelier can project its power.

水蚺幼体在出生几小时后便可以游泳,捕猎和照顾自己了。Within hours after birth, Anaconda neonates can swim, hunt and care for themselves.

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该巨蟒是迷人的,而大概还有一些标本大小许多谣言。The anaconda is fascinating and there are many rumors about the size of some specimens.

因为个体的原因,许多水蚺宝宝都会被别的动物捕食。Because of their small, newborn stature, many Anaconda babies are prey for other animals.

尽管它的长度超过了那只世界记录保持者,但蛇王的腰身周长则远远超过这只亚洲巨蟒。Even though the longest python is longer than the record -holding anaconda , the girth of anaconda is far bigger.

一条长16英尺,重77磅的水蟒缠绕着这个男孩,老人用石头和刀击打蟒蛇近半个小时。The anaconda wrapped itself around the boy. The grandfather beat the snake with rocks and a knife for half an hour.

水蚺的眼睛长在头的上部,这样它们就能躲在水下伪装并伸出头观察猎物的情况。The Anaconda has eyes high on its head so that it can stay camouflaged underwater while watching and waiting for its prey.

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水蟒不像普通的蛇那样生活在树上或陆地上,它们不用担心爬树或在粗糙的地面上追逐猎物。Unlike snakes that live in trees or on the ground, the anaconda doesn't have to worry about climbing or chasing prey over rough terrain.

其他产自南美洲且较绿森蚺小的森蚺物种,均为黄色带黑斑的玻利维亚类特种。Other anaconda species, all from South America and all smaller than the green anaconda, are the yellow, dark-spotted, and Bolivian varieties.

它的同一家族成员肉纹蟒可能稍长一些,但前者的巨大直径几乎使得其为后者的两倍之多。Its cousin, the reticulated python, can reach slightly greater lengths, but the enormous girth of the anaconda makes it almost twice as heavy.

而且我们常常得挥著中南美原住民的大砍刀斩除枝叶,有一次惊吓到一条绿色巨蟒,另一次则发现了美洲豹的脚印。And often we had to wield a machete to cut away the foliage-once surprising a giant green anaconda and another time exposing the footprints of a jaguar.

但是格林尼提醒说这个小组的气温计算仅仅是建立在那条最大的蟒蛇的基础上--那只七米长的蛇上。But Greene cautions that the team based their temperature calculations partially on the largest known size of an anaconda today, which the study pegs at 7 metres.

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总而言之,近年来中国政府的审查机构不像吃人的老虎或喷火的巨龙,而是更像屋子中间的大枝形吊灯里趴著的一条巨蟒。In sum, the Chinese government's censorial authority in recent times has resembled not so much a man-eating tiger or fire-snorting dragon as a giant anaconda coiled in an overhead chandelier.