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别担心,我从不受传染。Don't worry. I never infect.

耳鼓已经感染了。My right eardrum have become infect.

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猪流感能传染人类么?Q2. Can swine influenza infect humans?

为什么蟾蜍用毒泥污染清洌的泉水?Or toads infect fair founts with venom mud?

噬菌体,顾名思义它们能感染细菌。As their name suggests, these infect bacteria.

首先,他们用活寄生虫感染的动物。First they infect animals with live parasites.

玉米丝黑穗病菌不能侵染高梁。Head smut fungus from corn did not infect sorghum.

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有没有治疗传染型口臭的药?Have cure to infect model the medicine of halitosis ?

人类会感染两种爱滋病病毒--爱滋病病毒1型和爱滋病病毒2型。Two species of HIV can infect humans—HIV-1 and HIV-2.

疥螨能传染给所有年龄和不同品种的狗。Sarcoptic mange can infect all ages and breeds of dogs.

患有滴虫病的女性不可能传染其他的女性。Females cannot infect other females with trichomoniasis.

共转染获得重组病毒用于感染家蚕。The recombinant virus was used to infect silkworm larvae.

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它不会传染或寄居于死的或干的植体组织。It will not infect or colonize dead or dried plant tissue.

这些线虫感染多种土栖昆虫。These nematodes infect a variety of soil-dwelling insects.

丙肝病毒是最常见的感染肝脏的病毒之一。HCV is among the most common viruses that infect the liver.

泡沫病毒可以感染某些哺乳动物,包括猴子和猿类。Foamy viruses infect some mammals, including monkeys and apes.

我一整个礼拜都戴著口罩,所以我不会传染给其他人。I've been wearing a facemask all week so I won't infect anyone.

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一个程序的首选项会影响另一个程序。The preferences for one program would infect the other program.

不守信能影响我们的一生,它就在我们的生活中。Bad faith can infect our entire lives. We can live in bad faith.

所有患者均无治疗后穿孔、感染。All the patients did not perforate and infect after the treatment.