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告诉我什么时候是你生日呀?Tell aggie when is your birthday?

眼下一个农学专业的毕业生能找到什么样的工作呢?What kind of a job can an aggie get these days?

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这个大学生慢条斯理的说,“先生,我相信是昏死过去。”The Aggie replied, "Sir, I believe that would be giddy-up."

陈阿吉在北京是一个20多岁的市场营销工作者。Chen "Aggie" is a 20-something marketing professional in Beijing.

艾吉大婶正那样惊讶地看着他,以致都没有注意到他讲的话。Aunt aggie was looking at him in such an astonishment that she hardly noticed what he said.

艾吉大婶正那样惊讶地看着他,以致都没有注意到他讲的话。Aunt Aggie was looking at him in such an astonishment th at she hardly noticed wh at he said.

伍同学并感谢语文中心主任洪同年教授的耐心指导和于比赛期间的悉心照料。Aggie also thanked Professor Tony Hung, Head of Language Centre, for his guidance and care during the visit.

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他说丁竦曾出黄金万两要抓住一个叫阿吉雅的女孩,他说阿吉雅和朝廷有关系。He said that Ding had huangjinwanliang to catch a girl named Aggie, he said there is relationship between Aggie and court.

白泽心痛不已,他把翡翠珠还给阿吉雅,他希望阿吉雅看到珠子忘记仇恨只记住他们之间的友谊。Bai Ze heartache, he put the jade bead back to Agiya, he hopes to see Aggie beads forget hatred only remember their friendship.

米菲太兴奋了!第二个星期,她带着好朋友艾吉一起来看毛毛虫蜕变。Miffy was so excited that the next. week, she brought her friend Aggie wish her, to see what in the world the great change would be.