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当然,在这个画廊内还有用雅致的书法撰写的可兰经文本。And there are, of course, Koranic manuscripts with refined calligraphy.

塞内加尔首都达喀尔一所可兰经学校发生火灾,造成9名儿童死亡。A fire has killed nine children at a Koranic school in the Senegalese capital Dakar.

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带有几何形状装饰物和刻有可兰经的物品很明显是面向伊斯兰市场。Objects bearing geometric decorations and Koranic inscriptions were clearly aimed at the Islamic market.

它的战斗员如今把自己称为宗教勇士,它把可兰经经文加入其宣传。Its fighters now style themselves as religious warriors, and its propaganda is laced with Koranic verses.

巴基斯坦反对亚当的图像,认为其触犯了描绘了可兰经人物的禁忌。Pakistan objected to the depiction of Adam, which it said broke a prohibition on depicting Koranic figures.

人权组织已经多次警告可兰经学校儿童糟糕的住宿环境。Human rights groups have repeatedly warned of the poor conditions in which children are housed in Koranic schools.

其中一人留下了一段关于受可兰经启发而掀起西方与穆斯林世界战争的录像片段。One of them left behind a video that quoted Koranic verses, cited conflicts between Western and Muslim nations and showed wartime footage.

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主题包括口传史诗展演、教叙事、兰经吟颂展演、间传说、人展演、化之生产与反抗。Topics include oral epic performance, sacred narrative, Koranic chant performance, the folktale, solo performance, cultural production and resistance.

在过去20年,一些伊拉克国家,如伊朗和巴基斯坦,试图重启可兰经的禁令,这就意味着,银行家又要上有政策下有对策了。And in the past 20 years some Islamic states, notably Iran and Pakistan, have tried to reimpose the Koranic ban—in practice, that is, to make bankers find ways round it.

在印控克什米尔首府斯利那加,一名宗教治疗者正在用祈祷和具有康复作用的古兰经辞来治疗暂时失明的人。In Srinagar, the capital of the Indian-controlled section of Kashmir, a spiritual healer treats a man suffering from temporary blindness with prayers and restorative Koranic verses.

因此,虽然影响的正统基督教的古兰经已经很小,未经和邪教基督教传说,另一方面,是一个原始来源古兰经的信仰。Hence, while the influence of orthodox Christianity upon the Koran has been slight, apocryphal and heretical Christian legends, on the other hand, are one of the original sources of Koranic faith.