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同步所有节点。Synchronize all nodes.

什么时候需要同步?When do I need to synchronize?

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他们的心跳甚至都是同步的。Their heartbeats can even synchronize.

该影片画面与声音不同步。The film does not synchronize with sound.

然后,同步并验证群集。Then synchronize and verify the clusters.

看一下你们的表,咱们来对一下。Look at your watches. Have them synchronize.

这些个轮子须同速转动。The wheels must synchronize as they revolve.

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更新和同步链路状态数据库。Update and synchronize link-state databases.

设备安装时自动开始时间同步。Automatical time synchronize on device startup.

现在右击该项目并再次同步。Now right-click the project and synchronize again.

您可以使用握手财产和同步通信。You can use Handshaking property and synchronize the communication.

空腹吃食物帮助人体时钟准时。Putting food into an empty stomach helps synchronize the body clock.

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使所有目标服务器时钟与主服务器时钟同步。To synchronize all target server clocks with the master server clock.

对机器间时钟进行同步的一种简单方法是使用一个时间服务器。A simple way to synchronize clocks among machines is to use a time server.

所有操作完成后,同步文件系统然后卸载分区When all operation is done, synchronize file systems and unmount partitions

重新初始化将在下次对订阅进行同步处理时进行。Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription.

直到第一次世界大战前,法国仍在采用日晷来规范火车的运行时间。Prior to World War I, France used sundials to synchronize their train travel.

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所有操作完成之后,同步文件系统然后卸载分区When all operations are done, synchronize file systems and unmount partitions

同步容错集信息时,出现了一个不可恢复的错误。An unrecoverable error occurred trying to synchronize fault tolerant set information.

本主题介绍了如何使目标服务器时钟与主服务器时钟同步。This topic explains how to synchronize target server clocks with the master server clock.