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我被穿梭巴士送到市中心的Doubletree酒店。I was sent by shuttle bus to Doubletree Hotel in the downtown.

赶快加入我们一起感受上海东锦江希尔顿逸林酒店提供的全新体验吧!Join us and experience the new DoubleTree by Hilton Shanghai – Pudong.

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对于这次来到青岛担任酒店总经理一职,他感到十分荣幸。He felt it an honor to be appointed general manager of Doubletree Qingdao.

确保所有员工达到希尔顿酒店国际标准。Ensures that all employees are trained to a DoubleTree international standard.

“2017中国汽车轻量化国际峰会”将于2017年4月24日至25日于上海东锦江希尔顿逸林酒店隆重举行。China Lightweight Vehicle Summit 2017 will be held on May 24-25, 2017 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Shanghai.

逸林是一个比较年轻的品牌,与家喻户晓的希尔顿息息相关,而且如今在中国也只有两家,我相信人们都会很乐意看到逸林的成长的。As there are only two Doubletree hotels in China at the moment, I believe everyone would be pleased to watch it grow.

希尔顿逸林是希尔顿酒店管理集团旗下的高档酒店品牌,遍布在全球超过230个门户城市、大都市以及度假胜地。DoubleTree by Hilton is an upscale brand belonged to Hilton Worldwide. Its brands are comprised of more than 230 gateway cities.

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作为高速发展的国家,中国也和许多发达国家一样,是希尔顿逸林的首选地。The emerging China market makes the country one of the first choices valued by Doubletree just as it does most developed countries.

北京希尔顿逸林酒店随园中餐厅,逸轩西餐厅分别推出了精致美味的厨师特别推荐秋季时令菜品。DoubleTree by Hilton, Beijing's Sui Yuan and Easy kitchen restaurants present you the delicious seasoning chef special menu respectively.

作为第一批进入中国的希尔顿逸林酒店的总经理,蒋伯乐先生拥有长达二十五年的酒店工作经验。Mr. John Burger, a veteran hotelier with 25 years of relevant experience, is among the first general managers of Doubletree hotels in China.

当然,我们也会随着逸林的发展而成长起来,在今后的时间里,你可以在中国很多地方看到逸林的身影。We are sure to grow with Doubletree, and hope you would see more Doubletree properties opening in different parts of China in the years to come.

昆山花桥希尔顿逸林酒店是希尔顿逸林今年在中国建造的第二家酒店。The Doubletree by Hilton at the Huaqiao International Business Park in Kunshan will represent the second hotel opening by the brand in China this year.

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希尔顿今年在中国开设的分店包括六月份上海外滩的华尔道夫酒店和十月份无锡的双树酒店。Hilton properties opening in China this year include the Waldorf Astoria in Shanghai on the Bund in June and the Doubletree by Hilton in Wuxi in October.

本人在此工作申请表所填报内容一切属真实、全面及正确,如有隐瞒或虚报,愿无偿接受立即解雇之处分。A false statement or dishonest answer for any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge from employment with Doubletree by Hilton Resort Wuxi Lingshan.

无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店三月至五月在酒店随园中餐厅推出“春季江鲜野菜美食节”。Doubletree by Hilton Resort, Wuxi Lingshan–is offering a spring greens and river fish promotion at the Sui Yuan hotel Chinese Restaurant from this March to May.

选个假期,与朋友或家人一起外出踏青、写意,在太湖之畔体验文化美食,追溯您的梦中“红楼”。Enjoy your own "Red Mansions" dream with an exquisite fine dining experience near the Taihu Lake with your family or friends at Doubletree by Hilton Resort, Wuxi Lingshan.

酒店更为客人安排了品牌所专有的逸林甜梦床,超密纺织的亚麻制品和数量充足的舒适软枕,保证让客人拥有一个甜美的梦乡。The hotel also features the brand's signature Sweet Dreams" by Doubletree sleep experience complete with high-thread-count linens and an abundance of pillows for a great night's sleep."