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铁路法?。Railway Law?

宁河谷铁路。Nene Valley Railway.

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这是一张列车时刻表。It is a railway timetable.

这是个铁路交叉处。This is a railway crossing.

我在铁路调车场工作。I work in the railway yards.

这是一张火车时刻表。This is a railway timetable.

北京火车西站!Beijing West Railway Station!

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这里是这条铁路的终点站。Here is the end of the railway.

这条是去火车站的路吗?Is this the way to railway stine?

这条街和铁路平行。The street parallels the railway.

公路、铁路两用桥?对啊。For both highway and railway uses?

铁路把两个城市衔接起来了。The railway joined the two cities.

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这条铁路横贯全国。The railway traverses The country.

在合肥铁路站下车的旅客Deboarding at Hefei Railway Station

他在火车站迷了路。He got lost in the railway station.

一个男人卧轨自杀。A man killed himself on the railway.

正在修建一条新铁路。A new railway is under construction.

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我家在火车站的那边。My home is past the railway station.

他们正在计划用铁路把这两个镇接通。They are to the two towns a railway.

欢迎来到容县火车站。Welcome to Rongxian Railway Station.