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我的剪刀由钢铁构成。My scissors are made of steel.

用剪刀剪开纸币。Use scissors to separate notes.

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钝剪刀剪不齐。Blunt scissors don't cut cleanly.

剪刀和钳子就是例子。Scissors and pliers are examples.

这就是让剪刀差效果最大化的表现。This maximizes the scissors effect.

这把剪刀是中国制造的。This pair of scissors is China-made.

我们用剪刀裁纸和布。We cut paper and cloth with scissors.

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不要玩剪刀或美工刀。Don't play with scissors or pen knives.

您可以用指甲剪。You can trim Minx with a nail scissors.

用剪刀将叶子拓片剪下。Cut out the leaf rubbings with scissors.

中剪子巷里没有他!He doesn't belong to Middle Scissors Lane.

但摩托车剪叉式升降机的立场。"But the scissors lift "motorcycle" stand.

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刀具、凿子和剪刀必须锋利尖锐。Knives, chisels and scissors must be sharp.

她正在用指甲刀修指甲。She was paring her nails with nail scissors.

用剪刀修剪叶柄。Trim the stem ends by cutting with scissors.

这是我们做纸工所需要的剪刀、胶水和桌子!Yes. Okay. Here's scissors if you need them.

袋鼠妈妈用剪刀剪了一个心形。Kanga used a pair of scissors to cut a heart.

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从现在开始,理发师可以收起剪刀了。THE barber can put the scissors away for now.

他们用剪子绞下随手抓住的一络络头发。They cut what locks there were with scissors.

尾巴张开,如剪刀弯弯裁过and open their tails like scissors on the curves