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我知道那地方。I know that barrack.

观众开始朝客队喝彩起哄。The crowd began to barrack the visiting team.

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Barrack"在英语中有喝倒彩的意思。"Barrack" could mean booing somebody in English.

我们由此知道了为何中国惧怕奥巴马。This brings us to why Beijing fears Barrack Obama.

别光围着看啊,扶老子回军营。Don't just fucking look at me, take me to your barrack.

排长们在营房广场整理队伍。The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.

这个营在营地广场上排成以连为单位的队列。The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.

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“利比亚太乱了,同时也很危险,”巴拉克说。"Libya is too confusing, and it's too dangerous," says Barrack.

那座庙是方顶、木窗,十分简朴。The monastery was square- roofed, austere, with barrack windows.

但是,唐·何塞孝顺母亲,怀念昔日的军营生活,与卡门之间产生了日益激烈的矛盾。However, Jose is still missing his mother and the life in barrack.

好的,奥巴马总统,巴拉克•奥巴马总统,他在这里修读了本科课程,Well, President Obama, President Barrack Obama, he attended undergraduate school here,

就像我说的,长官。你该把你的工具袋丢在兵营1的。那边是你睡觉的地方。Like I said, sir, best to drop off your kitbag In Barrack 1. That's where you're sleeping.

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就像我说的,长官,最好把你的工具包放在兵营1。那里是你睡觉的地方。Like I said, sir, best to drop off your kitbag In Barrack 1. That's where you'll be sleeping.

有关部门除了将这些建筑恢复原貌外,还将在1号营房和日军看守房内进行陈列展览。Except these buildings, an exhibition will be launched in No. 1 Barrack and Japanese watch room.

皮耶罗向球迷发出号召,请他们不要奚落想另谋出路的卡莫拉内西。Alessandro del Piero has urged Juventus fans not to barrack want-away midfielder Mauro Camoranesi.

2月底,美国总统巴拉克-奥巴马任命骆家辉为美国商务部长。IN late February, US President Barrack Obama nominated Gary Locke as the US secretary of commerce.

炮台上下分三层,地下建有弹药库和兵舍。The fort was divided into three layers, and an ammunition house and a barrack were set under the ground.

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大约有500个人住在一个小房子里,这个房子名义上是一个提供街道卫生服务的“企业”所拥有。About 500 people live in a small barrack which is occupied by an “enterprise” offering street cleaning services.

正是由于5月在格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯营地附近的坦克营发生叛变的详情还不清楚。PRECIS LY what happened behind the barrack gates of a Georgian tank battalion near Tbilisi on May 5th is unclear.

朋友们,上个月,胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统在伦敦金融峰会上就达成了一系列共识。Friends, President Hu Jintao and President Barrack Obama reached a series of consensus at the London Financial Summit last month.