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靠我们自己没法搬动那张又大又笨重的办公桌。We can't move that hulking great desk on our own.

她怒气冲冲地回到她那辆又大又笨的运动型多用车上,加大了油门。She huffs back to her hulking SUV, revs the engine.

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我不要把那台又笨又大的计算机放在我的办公室。I don't want that hulking great computer in my office.

两个猛男挡住他的路,西奥多被从教堂里赶了出来。Two hulking men bar the way, and T-Bag is ejected from the church.

詹森费蛇耳笨重的身躯拖着的四四方方的影子遮住了这堆寿丝。Jason Fisher's hulking form cast a boxy shadow over the rows of sushi.

首要一点就是打造小型摄像机,比如今庞大的F65要小。The first challenge is to create smaller cameras than the hulking F65.

为什么我会如此想念那个笨蛋曲棍球手兼素食主义者和律师助理?Why did I miss that hulking hockey-player-turned-vegetarian-paralegal so much?

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因为最新研究显示驼背鲸们会选择巨型女性来作为他们的配偶。That's because male humpback whales seek out hulking females as mates, fresh research shows.

耶鲁团队断言说,巨大的尺寸对于量子计算机设计将是一个优势。The Yale team asserts that its hulking size is an advantage over other quantum computing designs.

许多是小型掀背式轿车,还有数量正在增加的笨重耗油的运动型多功能车。Many are small hatchbacks, but there are a growing number of hulking gas guzzling sports utility vehicles.

汇聚在天空中的大朵白云成为中国即将发生的变化的拙劣先兆。The massive cloud that converges in the firmament above is a hulking harbinger of China's impending change.

贝恩在漫画中既是个“大块头有大智慧”的反派,他最著名的举动是把蝙蝠侠的脊椎打折。Bane in the comics is best known as a hulking yet intelligent villain most famous for breaking Batman's back.

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从太空可以看见这座建筑物,像是一块用钢筋做的简陋贝壳位于一片工业废墟地的中间。The structure will be visible from space, a hulking shell of steel in the midst of a landscape of industrial devastation.

但售楼大厅后几百米处“几乎完工”的楼看起来只是被人遗忘的庞大外壳。But a few hundred feet behind the sales hall some of the "almost completed" buildings look like neglected, hulking shells.

牧师仍然拒绝让他们进入礼拜室,但是马宏和西奥多坚持要进去,赛尔夫把一个打手带了出去。Once again, the priest refuses to let them enter the sanctuary, but Mahone and T-Bag insist while Self leads a hulking guy outside.

与壮硕的阿诺德·施瓦辛格同台亮相,阿里巴巴的老板马云显得格外袖珍。Perched on stage beside the hulking figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger last weekend, Alibaba boss, Jack Ma, looked slighter than ever.

傲慢的古奥强迫邦基克兄弟每天累死累活地完善自己那辆笨重的飞梭赛车。The arrogant Guo forced the Bonkik brothers to toil away to near-exhaustion every day as they worked to perfect his hulking Podracer.

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外墙上没有张贴任何标记,墙皮剥落的房间里,两行庞大的视频游戏机依墙而立。There is no sign posted outside and no frills inside, aside from two rows of hulking games machines stacked up against peeling walls.

兽人已经被驱赶出北地只有黑石山巨大的废墟静静的躺在艾泽拉斯被解放的土地上。The Orcs have been driven from the Northlands as the hulking remains of Blackrock Spire lay silent amongst the freed lands of Azeroth.

在两个小时的旅途中,我的导游们聪明地把我们在市里用的那辆庞大笨重的1950年代雪佛兰出租车换成了一辆最新型号的庞蒂亚克。For the two-hour trip, my guides had wisely traded in the hulking 1950s Chevrolet taxi we'd used in the city for a late-model Pontiac rental.