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一条河还是一条溪?A river or a stream?

这条小河里鱼很多。Fish teem in this stream.

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他跌足落入小河。He tumbled into a stream.

这条溪有很多鱼可钓。This stream fishes well.

我们涉过一条小溪。We waded across a stream.

他乘木筏顺流而下。He rafted down the stream.

我们趟过一条小河。We waded through a stream.

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他蹚过那条小河。He waded across the stream.

我在溪里看到一条鱼。I saw a fish in the stream.

内部资料串流错误。Internal data stream error.

我们顺河漂流而下。We drifted down the stream.

本田流床位寓所。Apartments Honda Stream bed.

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眼泪流到了我的双颊。Tears stream down my cheeks.

循声走去,那是一条小溪。The hearing, it is a stream.

把鱼网撒入小河池。Cast the net into the stream.

溪流迂回地向下游流去。The stream braids downstream.

一条小溪从房子旁边流过。A stream flows past the house.

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细流汇成江河。Small stream make great river.

弯弯的山梁,弯弯的溪水。Winding ridge, winding stream.

鸟儿掠过溪流。A bird skimmed over the stream.