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故事里的罗姿是我的祖母。Roz was my grandmother.

我的祖母很爱我。My grandmother loved me.

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这就是我的祖母。That was my grandmother.

她的祖母活到了84岁。Her grandmother lived to 84.

他搀扶着祖母进屋。He helped his grandmother in.

她快抱孙子了。She'll soon be a grandmother.

我经常去看我艿艿。I often go to see my grandmother.

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我的祖母活了八十二岁。My grandmother lived for 82 years.

祖母溺爱她的双胞胎。Grandmother dotes on her the twins.

梦见奶奶被猴子吃掉的?没有。Grandmother killed by a monkey? No.

我祖母很怕鬼。My grandmother is afraid of ghosts.

祖母已78岁,上年纪了。Grandmother is 78 and getting along.

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祖母像往常一样说教。Grandmother was moralizing as usual.

她是根据她祖母的名字命名的。She was named after her grandmother.

他刚刚陪我的祖母散好心。He just hung out with my grandmother.

崔女士70多了,是位祖母。Mrs Choi is a grandmother in her 70s.

我们多久去看一次姥姥?How often do we visit our grandmother?

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我祖母曾养育十口之家。My grandmother raised a family of ten.

露西的阿嬷非常爱她。Lucy's grandmother loves her very much.

我祖母养育了五口之家。My grandmother raised a family of five.